
Ah, I get it: ‘campaign finance violation’ isn’t a crime but ‘big campaign finance violation’ is! Kinda of like how there’s grand theft auto but no regular theft auto.

Look at me: I’m as good a lawyer as Rudy Giuliani!

I was just going for a cheap Simpsons gag, but I suspect this may be how Republicans are actually rationalising this!

Absofuckinglutely! I just said that above:

I live in the Bay Area and recently had an unfortunate encounter with a Christian, white woman - my kid’s preschool teacher. A woman who smiled to my Latino face, and said things like god bless, and was nice and cordial. But then fast forward to my kid’s parent/teacher conference and THERE was the slight racial

Not THIS white woman.  No way in hell.  Any woman that voted for that pos just blows my mind.  I can’t fathom the thinking process involved.  

Steve Bannon said the same thing in a recentish interview.  “Forget college women, they’re gone”, meaning gone from being Republican voters for the time being.  He advised they double down on the non-college white men, what a surprise. 

Same. It’s infuriates me and gives me massive anxiety when I see him speak. So fucking smug and stupid. Kills my soul.

It’s better than actually hearing his voice, though. I have to change what-ever I’m listening to or watching when I hear that moron speak.

“the women”

You just keep an eye out for the teenager who looks weird and uncomfortable of course.

Wht would someone be dressed like that at what looks like an airline check in counter?

My eyes!

I am white, male, straight, and single (no kids) and cannot agree enough. I am getting a tax break out of this and still pissed.

Pennsylvania Rep. Patrick Meehan will resign and repay the $39,000 in tax dollars he used to settle a sexual harassment case, but I think he should add a tip.

Either that dog is being forced to smile, or is having the everlasting shit choked out of him/her.

They were talking about how Washington needs a big change.

“All I know is that Sarah is never going to do anything that violates her conscience... She’s never been asked to do something that violates her conscience.”

She won’t. She voted for him and said she would still vote for him. She is the poster person for white chicks that piss me off.

All efforts on the eastern border makes me think of the minimal nod and wave I get from CHP at the fruit-check stand.

Breeding concept?