
The vast number of broken dogs wasting away in military kennels would say otherwise. I fucking loathe how our armed services procure, train, use, and dispose of dogs. Don’t get me wrong, a good IED dog is worth its weight in gold. But there need to be some significant changes in the programs.

“Republicans will try to literally kill you. We won’t.”

I used to wonder why this happened, but Democrats face a challenge that Republicans do not. As an instructive aid, sometimes I practise thinking like a Republican (I won’t call them conservatives because they are radical extremists in every sense of the word), and it is soooooo relaxing. Simplistic clichés in lieu of

HRC won my state by *two* points. I am grateful for conversations with friends that I know voted for Trump, but I know I could not have them calmly and rationally had it gone the other way.

Eh, you have to govern with the votes you’ve got, and we the voters didn’t give the Dems many. Shutting down the government for a long period in an attempt to achieve a policy goal that was remote at best is a poor choice, as painful as that sounds. It also is poor politics.

If I was in a room with a Pats fan & an Eagles fan, and I had a gun with just one bullet, and I had to decide...

You take that back

Nope- the shakedown was on State level precisely because the WH was either inept or not taking them seriously about the fact they were not fully prepared due to underfunding.

He is dumb, heeee is sooo fuucckiingg dddduuuummmbbbb!!!!!!!!!!!

I called my parents during the scare—asked them to turn on the TV and look online because I was desperate for any info—so they were in on the panic. My boyfriend tried to call his mom but couldn’t get through, which was lucky for her in hindsight. However, when she called an hour later after she heard the news, she

Scored the highest on what tests? Does he mean the cognitive test? That’s just a bare minimum to test for dementia. Like, can you recognize a drawing of a lion? Trump may have passed that, but he’s still the dumbest president.

I have a friend living in Hawaii who is utterly convinced that something DID happen and the government is just covering it up.

Of his three previous successors’ failures with North Korea, Trump said: “I guess they all realized they were going to have to leave it to a president that scored the highest on tests.”

Jesus fucking christ...I must be a stupid libtard snowflake, because I’m triggered by that picture. I have a visceral reaction to seeing his stupid pursed lips and squinty eyes and the thing he does with his hand for emphasis makes it even worse. I may hate him more than anyone else I don’t know personally.

To be honest, the additional tax credits and the reintroduction of the student loan and graduate deductions are a good thing for a bill that was almost certainly going to pass anyway.

That *would* be a great game.

I think Elway might be even higher — if I recall, he went through some dark times during his divorce.

and nuclear weapons... but my dad is something of a fatalist.

Horseshoes, handgrenades, AND atomic bombs.

Yeah, I’ve been job hunting for the past 6 months, currently a finalist for two positions, one of which is much more money and status than I’d ever have hoped for. I am spending my waking hours crushing every positive thought in relation to a new job while performing every possible good deed, in the hopes the