
Single, childless, white (high earning!) female agrees with you

Holy shit. Never heard this story before. No particular love for humans here, but dog cruelty? I damn you to hell and know for sure you’re the spawn of Satan

Is that thing still in operation? I’ve gone thru without stopping while carrying everything from cactus to weed (and beyond) without stopping for years...

These fancy-named pigs in blankets need to be #1....I eat them by the box. And I’m older than 37.

The limit does not exist

Yes, we should listen to a man telling us how to navigate being women. If every woman in the world adopted a scorched earth policy of ‘no sex til you stop this bullshit,’ do you think we’d need any ally other than ourselves?


You know I’ve shared my stories of sexual harassment and assault with many guys I work with - mostly white republican dudes, and generally decent fellows- who try to explain to me why it’s not that big a deal, or it’s past norms and we have to give people a chance to adjust, all kinds of excuses...what’s the show

Fuckng hell she is awesome. I did forget but #COSIIIIIIIIIGN. Fuck the faux concern. Stop acting however the fuck you want to earn $$ til you get caught cuz we are on to you. Won’t find a bigger female sports fan than me but getting harder and harder to ignore the fact you have no morals and will forget all this shit

The legal profession is probably worse off without more thinking peoples like you. Very interesting- and Sessions is a racist fuck no matter what

Definitely shouldn’t be trivialized, it’s horrifying and depressing and frustrating and heartbreaking - awful on every level. But also frustrating to feel like it’s being used as an easy excuse to avoid talking about real issues. Including why they will do absolutely fucking nothing to stop people from acquiring

I just want to say that I went to an extremely white, catholic and conservative law school but I NEVER heard common law referred to as ‘Anglo’ law. So they can get fucked with that explanation. (Which I read was the excuse for why ‘Anglo-American’ is totally not racist but a reference to British common law that

Hell, I was born and raised here, and went to middle school in California at least a decade before you and I’m surprised at that. But i was very close to the border. If you were anywhere in the Central Valley (or really anywhere outside SF/LA/SD/imperial), I’m way less surprised.

Well then he definitely deserved to die?!?

I live a 30 minute drive from the Mexican border - so as ‘boots on the ground’ - I can affirmatively tell you...we do not. AND stopping the thousands of LEGAL border crossings that happen every day (along with asinine tariffs) that hamper critical parts of our economy will have no effect other than increasing prices

Blood inside the car...maybe because he got shot and blood spatter goes everywhere? Not evidence McKnight was trying to get in the car.

Because you are of Japanese decent, you cannot be prejudiced against black people?

Because his hand was on the window (not a door handle) you assume McKnight was trying to get into the guy’s car? Why? If that dude hadn’t followed him and instead just called the cops, McKnight might be alive to explain why his hand was on the window (not door handle)

They’ve been hyper repub for longer than that. Google the article about all the dipshit super-conservative whites in CA’s Central Valley who then got nervous about how Drumpf’s bullshit might rob them if the sub-minimum wage illegal Mexicans they depends on for their riches. So frustrating.

I mean I have a career. And a dog. Haven’t found anyone worth marrying and can’t have kids. But don’t scream like a banchee or bite my nails....should I just kill myself since I’m neither/nor??