
Fair enough - I only know my own experience. But I also have a sense of ‘get off your ass and do something productive instead of crying that life won’t serve you exactly what you want’ that I can’t get past. I’m 40, forgive me! And then get off my lawn!!!!! 😉

You might be shocked at how conservative California is outside LA and SF, regardless of Latin population. Latinos in CA tend to not turn out to vote, and almost as many identify as conservative (33%) as they do liberal (38%) according to the Public Policy Institute of California

You’re not wrong. But is the alternative better?

Listen. I love dogs. My dog is a psycho asshole and I still roast her a chicken once a week. And I would respect and admire the dogs’ service. But based on how we treat our soldiers once they get home, I wouldn’t wish that on any dog.

It’s ok, you’re inability to *act* like them is why we like you

Job growth is coming from all those globalist, techno-centric metropolitan areas that are distinctly NOT this asshole’s focus. And yet his base will still eat his bullshit up. Over it tonight.

Ok. But get a damn mail in ballot or whatever they call it - I did for 8 years, it isn’t hard. And the change ANYONE wants won’t come from doing nothing. I’m having a hard time empathizing with anyone - millennial or not - who dismisses the impact on society as whole because they can’t get exactly what they want.

He is my district too and I hate his fucking guts!!!!! It’s always mystified me (not practically but ideologically) that THAT GUY is the representative for my majority Mexican neighborhood. I know why but still it feels wrong. And don’t give me shit - it’s proudly a Mexican neighborhood, not ‘hispanic’ or ‘latinx’ -

Are you doing ok?

Nirvana. We call that Nirvana.

No no no. I live around the corner from a fire station - my asshole dog ‘sings along’ every time she hears the god damn siren. Not adorable at 3 am.

I have a 13-year old German Shepherd/border collie who is the most ornery/sweetheart bitch you’ve ever met, I’d lay down my life for that lil asshole. But I. Cannot. Get. Enough. Of. Marzipan. God bless that floppy dipshit. And you for sharing. Makes my day.

Highly doubt Douchenozzle’s administration is sophisticated enough to pull off the terrifying-hoax-induces-military/infrastructure-spending scam. These dipshits have pushed me to the point I’d put money on DPRK slick-ness over ours. It’s definitely option 1, we’re fucked.

This administration has pushed me to the point of believing...your friend might not be wrong.

I’m old enough to remember - growing up in Southern California military city - when they had test nuclear bomb drills. Basically the same as earthquake drills but with much scarier sounds. It was terrifying then even though there was no imminent tangible threat. TERRIFYING. Now it’s like a real threat and our alleged

My dad was old school - nuclear weapons would have made the phraseology less lyrical....and didn’t really enter the lexicon. But it’s a valid point.


Very sorry you’re bummed. Not sorry if it’s ultimately the best thing for you. Lots of internet hugs no matter what.


I remember taping the Ryan White TV movie on our busted ass VHS and being so heartbroken for that kid (who was older than me). Pivotal times for those of us growing up in very religious homes who struggled to reconcile that poor kid with all the ‘gay plague’ narratives, and instinctively (thanks to the innocence of