
Hazard of the profession- we understand why these rules exist but it’s sometimes hard to reconcile with intuition and common sense. At least here, if the prior charges resulted in felony convictions then they would be automatically admissible in a case charging a similar crime. I haven’t read enough about this case

Evidence like the accused admitting he likes to give women drugs so he can have his way with them whether they want it or not? Or taped phone calls where the accused admits what happened but claims a lesbian really wanted it? Do you REALLY believe 60 women made up the same story just to garner all the fame, glory

When I re-read your comment I realized you actually answered a question I asked elsewhere- this isn’t my area of law either but I had a vague recollection that in some circumstances, the subject of an investigation IS notified. So you are better at reading than I, AND you know more! Thanks for answering my question

They don’t care if they are actively hurting the country because they think they are setting themselves up for a life of cash by securing a spot in that rich creatin’s orbit via LOYALTY...if they ever had a conscience, they have foregone such banality for their financial interest. I try not to be a vengeful, bitter

This. Exactly this. NK sent that kid home so he wouldn’t die there, not because Trump is a miracle worker. They lost nothing by sending that poor boy home in a vegetative state and on the brink of death. Our stupid asshole in chief has no shame. Or intelligence or common sense or compassion or empathy or sympathy or

Damn it. I’ve been on a scotch, nachos and weed diet for the same amount of time now none of my pants fit. Can I sue Trump for an elastic-waistband wardrobe?

I think about this a lot and im sorry for your family. Pre-ACA we rushed my dad’s brain cancer surgery bc he was about to lose his work-issued health care, and we could never have afforded the $100k+ surgery without it. Then we dealt with the $2700-a-month chemo bill the best we could. Post-ACA my mom was in and out

I love the sassy cop too! I guess my point was that having an ethical duty to defend your client does not give a lawyer license to say or insinuate things s/he knows are not true. And we don’t (or shouldn’t) get a pass on dishonesty just because we’re supposed to defend someone to the best of our ability- that

I misread your comment, that’s how. Sorry 😖

Samesies, fuck that guy

Indictment and investigation are two very different things...I think if you get a sealed envelope with ‘notice you have been indicted’...that’s just an indictment. Or a summons. But it usually comes well after the investigation starts...

Im not positive bc it’s not my area of law BUT I think this is a real thing in some political/white collar crime investigations - possibly bc of evidence preservation notices?? Someone w/ relevant experience confirm/deny, pretty please?

Is that a normal amount of artillery for your average citizen to have? If so, why?

That’s a whole lot of assumptions wrapped into one comment. Lets give the dude all the credit he deserves without anybpre-conceived notions about his environment/expectations shaping the burden he’s carrying via the hope we have that he’s intentionally furthering a movement he probably doesn’t totally relate

Love your enthusiasm but no. Defense lawyers aren’t supposed to just ‘go the distance’ for a client no matter wtf ever to get their client off. Fun fact - I’m told (by my education and by several criminal defense lawyer friends) that a lot of those lawyers tell their clients NOT to admit/deny guilt to them - your

Two things can be true, right? It can be true that Bill Cosby is a nasty ass sexual abuser. Can ALSO be true that he’s being prosecuted in a jurisdiction where black defendants get treated worse than white defendants, in part based on the race of the accuser. These things are likely all true (I’m a native southern

I guess it’s an indemic problem, right? As in, there are a lot of geographical areas where you can point to a history of institutional racism but how much of it can be honestly imposed on the current inhabitants of the system that is (justifiably) considered untrustworthy?Does the geographic history matter to THIS

It’s not an unwarranted question, I’m curious as well. But it’s also not fair to impose the burden of historical wrongs on one prosecutor just because she is in the position of trying a case against a black defendant. She has a good case here and it’s her job to prosecute it. I can’t imagine the difficulty of doing

I WONDER ABOUT THIS SO MUCH. Like in private practice sometimes you have to take a stand and tell your client ‘if you continue this course, I can no longer represent you.’ You can’t do that in government practice I guess. BUT CHRIST ON A CRACKER YOU CAN QUIT!!

Right?!? The chief dipshit doesn’t realize that ‘politically correct’ ban on a religion is what they are defending because HE SIGNED IT (instead of standing behind his original asshole order). The most frustrating part is all the derp morons who will be like DDUUURRRRRR YEAH! Because they also can’t pass an 8th