Ok not a troll. Mexico is a fucked up country. BUT that doesn’t mean every single Mexican is buying wire cutters and digging tunnels to come to a country where they’re treated as less than human JFC.
Ok not a troll. Mexico is a fucked up country. BUT that doesn’t mean every single Mexican is buying wire cutters and digging tunnels to come to a country where they’re treated as less than human JFC.
ROUGH MATH. 9285 breaches over 5 years at $785 per breach...$4,000 per year? Soooo....WE MUST SPEND $20,000,000,000 to make sure the (decreasing) number of (not entirely) illegal border crossings that we feel no need to ACTUALLY connect to the rapist-murdering-drug-smuggling gangs who won’t be stopped by building a…
The ‘but they deserve it’ racist trolls are out in force on this one!! Would this CHILD have deserved to have been murdered if she was white? Do you recognize she punched someone who FIRST grabbed her and turned this encounter physical? Why are minor indiscretions turned into capital offenses if committed by black…
The ‘but they were racist against Koreans’ narrative is so naive, simplistic and misleading. The earliest *potential* starting point for understanding 1992 is 1965. Maybe earlier, not an expert. But no one can comprehend the anger and destruction without understanding Watts and Parker. Comprehensive perspective…
So basically- we give zero fucks about creating a global wasteland as long as it a we GIT MONEY
Holy hell...I was listening to this in the car so I couldn’t see what he was doing. But it was so fucking confusing!!! Not once did his words answer the question, I was thinking Jesus is this what it’s like every day? How come no one has ever just screamed ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION!!
Regular season Giants/dodgers had more minority fans than playoffs dodgers/cubs. Think geographically. And socio-economically. Not shocking
I think we’ve got a situation where anyone from a particular place who loves that place, gets instinctively defensive when the place they love and which they feel helped shape them into a relatively decent person, is associated with something negative which they feel is the antithesis of what they are and what they…
What if I do the right things and live the right way but I still have 2 grandmas who had breast cancer (1 died but the smoker/drinker one lived!) and two parents (one died but the smoker/drinker lived!) so I’m probably fucked anyway? Science and all. What then mother fuckers??
I guess that’s my point. We’re shooting ourselves in the foot if we denigrate the fact those who can stand up - because they can - if they do something others practically can’t. It doesn’t mean that those who do are disloyal to those who can’t. That’s a self-defeating assumption. Isn’t some progress better than…
I’m not sure it’s singular to Gates. The militarization of the LAPD started with Parker, whose name remains on the lapd’s main headquarters...and do not forget Eulia Love. The lapd issues extend back much further that Gates
It is thus far impossible to make anyone outide Southern California understand that the ‘Rodney King Riots’ were about so much more than Rodney king. I have remembered this girl and brought this tragedy up to every single one of my east coast friends who views these events from the under-informed ‘BUT RODNEY KING WAS…
That is so true. It’s also true that the practical reality of a minimum wage immigrant housekeeper with no reassurance from a peer group she has regular daily contact with, has a much harder time convincing herself to take a (probably very real) risk of not being able to feed her kids to strike. As opposed to a white,…
As a Californian, you have no idea how spot on you are. All these loud n proud white people (I’m white!) are so virulently anti-immigrant with zero understanding of how integral those immigrants are to their daily lives. Their idiocy is maddening and I’m torn between wanting to see them get their due while fearing the…
Yeah. As an anti-douchebag voter 20 minutes from the Mexican border....what in the ever loving fuck. All these CA dipshits who are like I VOTED FOR TRUMP BUT OMG THAT MIGHT BE BAD FOR ME...I just can’t even. Take your ‘MAYBE YOU LITERALLY CAN EVEN’ tshirts and shove em right up your ass
Stop with the facts and what not. Facts are totally subjective
Yeah ...as a lawyer it’s so infuriating - no one just walks into the 9th circuit court of appeals and is like HEY I WANT TO FILE A LAWSUIT...it’s almost like our Dipshit In Chief has no idea how the judicial system works!! As a disclaimer, I work in and have appeared before the totally biased Mexican who ruled…
Here’s what I don’t get. Problem: people don’t like buying our shit, we like buying their shit. Solution?: make it more expensive for us to buy their shit (reminder: we like and want to buy it) while doing zero to make them (reminder: they don’t want to buy our shit) want to buy our shit. WHAT AM I MISSING?