
I’m way late in this response. But. My best friend’s mom was a well educated, beautiful, artistic genius of a woman. Japanese. Teacher in Japan. Married an American soldier, had babies in Japan who would have been 100% shunned and at the bottom of the totem pole in Japan for being ‘half breeds.’ She moved to the US

Yeah...so, he didn’t consider himself Jewish. There’s ‘his/innocent people’...then there’s Jews. Apparently. God I’m depressed

And you, masked internet commentator, have now proven yourself more qualified for his job than SpiceDouche...

If we’re still asking how dumb they can be, we’ve already lost...I mean we’ve definitely lost. The ever-growing outer limits of stupidity and incompetence are so depressing

As a diehard San Diego sports fan, I just want to say there is no point in me existing. I don’t have a Curse, or a Goat, I don’t even have a fucking football team. Put me out to pasture, I’m done.

Kinda how we see ourselves in California, especially Southern California. And you might hate California but I’ve never thought or cared enough about Texas to hate it.

If you hate Southern California so much, please stay home. We hate the way you drive.

Ha even better

$5 says Cheetolini thinks he can just pardon everyone and it will all go away....

They’ve already said health care ‘reform’ off the table for the foreseeable future. So Don the Con might be truthful when he says he never promised to repeal Obamacare in 64 days. But he for sure promised to do it within 100 days so in 36 days we can add this to the pile of absolute falsehoods spoken by the Cheeto in

This infuriates me. YOU DID NOT NEED ANY DEMOCRAT VOTES AND YOU NEVER TRIED TO GET ANY. you control the White House and Congress, all you need is a modicum of semi-competent leadership and you can fuck your opponents six ways to Sunday. YOU COULDNT DO IT. Because of you and your shit plan. You. You’re the one who

They’ve already been doing that. Stepping on the patient’s neck while yelling LOOK HE IS DYING

As my daddy would have said - horseshoes and hand grenades

I’m a single white female (HA) who makes a shitload of money....I’m so grossed out that I benefit from all these terrible policies put forth by woman/minority/gay-hating bitter white men....I can donate all I want to to PP and the ACLU, I still feel dirty

The black Muslim started ISIS....drug dealing ain’t nuthin...

It’s a rural agricultural district...one of those ‘we voted for trump....wait where are all the Mexican who work in my fields going???’ districts, perhaps? You are correct - remains to be seen whether they recognize...

A little off topic but for real - on what planet is ‘Nunes’ pronounced ‘noons’ instead of ‘noonyez’? Where I live, that’s a Mexican who pronounces his own name wrong because he doesn’t want people to think he’s Mexican. I have no idea about his background (and don’t care to look because he’s a jackass regardless)

I not think anyone called her the People’s Princess because they thought she was born on the south side and worked at McDonalds during high school. Had to do with reaching out and literally touching anyone, showing real empathy. I don’t know anyone who thinks ‘the people’ actually ‘chose’ her to be elevated from their

In the past, yes. But now? Who the fuck knows. I’m way less skeptical than I woulda been on January 19. Because, you know, fascism...I understand your point, but you’re assuming we still live under a government which understands it’s supposed to follow the rules...

I’m so confused about this! I see some people trying to - I don’t know - minimize? this by saying it’s a review of his global entry pass not his right to travel generally. That still wouldn’t make sense to me unless there was some *change* with regard to his qualification for global entry that ran afoul of an