Well to be fair, the Civil War WAS about states’ rights....rights to own slaves, but whatevs, you’re being too sensitive
Well to be fair, the Civil War WAS about states’ rights....rights to own slaves, but whatevs, you’re being too sensitive
Try being where I am - a billion military bases and 20 minutes from Mexico. We’re fucked.
Wait...you’re saying a nutball can spew bullshit on twitter and people will believe it???? THAT CAN’T BE TRUE 😐
It’s not religion per se. Religion without non-religious education and without exposure to different beliefs is dangerous. You can be religious but without the other two, you’re less capable of tolerance and respectful difference. Which is why the fight for a religion-centric existence scares me.
This asshole is most likely the same type of person who raises her perfect Christian children to reject, shun and disparage the same disabled and minority children she want she to force into the world. Fuck her.
Tell your aunt I said ‘Well asshole, abortion is at an all-time low mostly attributed to increased access to birth control thru expanded access to health care, so you’re the fucking dick who wants to stop progression toward your stated goal because you’re stupid, short sighted and a hypocrite.’
AMEN. If you don’t want to raise or pay to raise the child you force me to have then STFO and GTFO
True. Fucked up. Completely fucked up and completely true. God give me bourbon.
Fair enough, I respect that. And you. I instinctively interpret pathetic as lacking the desire to do better despite knowing better. And I’m sure that applies to some percentage of the women in question. I just reflexively don’t like the idea of impugning those who don’t KNOW better and imposed my instinct on your…
Just put in a fake one, no problem. Although the dude with a gmail account one number different than mine might be annoyed...
It’s not totally fair to write them all off as pathetic. Many - or most- are born into & grow in a value system that correlates a woman’s worth to her role as a wife/mother and minimizes or disregards female accomplishments based on intellectual or professional achievement. Or does not allow for the possibility that…
Totally feel you on that one. The good news is maybe we’re approaching ‘woke’? Did I use that right? Too old to really know what it means....
Long live the day a player is punished more harshly for knocking out a woman with an uppercut than for deflating a ball...as long as it’s a kicker...
I don’t understand why construction and alternative energy are viewed as mutually exclusive. Construction workers build wind farms....and solar farms...the thinking of environmentally preferable energy sources automatically destroying construction jobs just isn’t true. Building/trade unions who ignore this are just…
I remember a cop coming to a neighborhood watch meeting on my street when I was a kid. My mom (single with two small kids, neighborhood experiencing alarming rise in break-ins) asked if he thought getting a gun was a smart move. He asked her ‘are you ready to kill someone?’ and she looked horrified. He went on to…
Total bullshit. dean’s not from here and NEVER tried to ingratiate himself. He thought being friends with a few other rich dicks in La Jolla would get him what he wanted. He gave the rest of San Diego a big FUCK YOU and we gave it right back. Once that became clear, his rich pals decided to stay on the side of the…
That’s not entirely fair. The past few years have been worse re: crowd makeup because those of us who paid for years gave up after it became clear - a long time ago - Spanos would leave no matter what. It was the only way we could tell him to go fuck himself. And sorry - put a shitty team on the field in December? …
I sure fucking hope so. Out of nothing but pure bitterness. Fuck that guy.
I can’t star you enough. The worst part was the guy sitting next to me apologizing that my first season as a season ticket holder ended that way. Fucking hell this day just got more depressing