Björn Burner

Les Habidon'ts

Glen Davis fell entirely out of his house watching this clip.

That said, his two seasons in Cleveland would give him more black site experience than anyone else in his cohort at The Farm.

Coincidentally, "Chipdip2" is the name Ralph Friedgen uses for his victory formation kneeldown.

One patron at the bar, tourist Robert Kelly, wasn't bothered by it at all. "This was not my first time being inconvenienced by a colorful shower," the man noted.

A flute with no holes is not a flute.

A travesty that he went with "Story Time" and not "The Time I Backed It Up On Matthew Stafford And Kinda Also On A Guy Named Pan"

Yet he has enthusiastically lobbied his employer, Tim Hortons, to allow him to institute Ladies' Free Timbits Tuesdays which happens to coincide with his one-day workweek.

"Ignorantia juris non excusat Ballgatus"