Bjorn Larsen

Adam Sandler is a character Daniel Day-Lewis has been playing for nearly 30 years.

When it’s your main way to connect with some people you’re bound to get invested in it to some degree. If you’re only using it to follow celebrity accounts or something I can imagine you’d care a lot less.

People seem to put alot of stock in a program that lets you put up pictures, and a program that feeds you stories as well as lets you post stuff. I mean, I use both daily. But I don’t think I’d ever use any combination of strong emotions with how I see and react to either. They “ruined” the app that shows you

Additional hot take: Instagram is fine.

I enjoy Instagram because my feed - unlike other prominent social media apps - is mostly free of politics. I still wish I could view my friend’s posts chronologically rather than getting stuck with IG’s silly algorithm.

i thought i would hate “stories” i was super hesitant to update during that cycle, but i end up really liking it.  as someone who uses instagram as a platform to showcase work, stories allows me to be more free with what i post and the muting option is good too

Hot take: the “You’re all caught up!” suggested photos feature is actually pretty good.

Limited on time so I’ll just say, marketing 101: the kids own the wallet. So much advertising is pointed at kids because studies have shown that they’re the ones that decide how money is spent in a household.

What data? As I said in my second paragraph; Snapchat does not collect any meaningful data to the extend that any other service like Facebook or Google does.

I will never forget seeing Dustin Hoffman in an interview long ago, telling the story of how he met his wife -- that he was in his twenties and she was the 10 year old daughter of a friend. And how he played piano for her and afterward she said “I am going to marry him when I grow up” and gee whiz, that’s just what

In what universe is grabbing the ass of someone you barely know a way to “relax” them? What with the angry director and then Hoffman’s groping, poor Katherine must have felt that everyone on that set had turned against her.

If this actually happened-the quality of entertainment would probably improve.

Also, I hope all the women whose careers were derailed by Harvey & his cronies start getting hired again.

I read the link after reading your comment. I can’t believe it. He admitted to raping her. She asked if he was “Ronny”, he said yes. When she saw it was him she screamed. He fucking raped her. But even with his own words out there for anyone to read, he’ll never be considered a rapist. Because he said she was a

What’s more, perhaps the lesser known good ones aren’t more famous because they refused to be complicit with this shit. I say axe all the assholes and see what happens.

My favorite thing (if such a thing exists) about all this awful shit is that I don’t give a fuck if Dustin Hoffman ever works again. Or any of them! If Tom Hanks and Levar Burton are the only men left in the entertainment industry in 18 months, you know, so what? The fate of R. Kelly, Jeremy Piven, et fucking al is

Maybe once and for all we can stop equating the rich and famous as our heroes and our betters. Most likely not. But it is nice to imagine.

I am aghast at the story of his losing his virginity. It sounds like he participated in the gang rape of his brother’s girlfriend at age 15. There’s too much to unpack there. I really wish I could hear the woman’s account of that evening because it seems like a horrifying experience. He has to be missing some serious

Lol. Did anyone else catch the self righteous “she later apologized”. As if she was the problem for having told him off for groping her “right buttock”. And the way he presents it as he rather than she being humiliated in front of the crew. It’s ok for him to grope her in front of these people but not ok for her to

This does not detract at all from my dislike of Adam Levine. His eyes are far too close together, and frankly he looks like an 19th Century drawing of a criminal.