
I don’t even think he’s reached his peak yet.

you’ve heard of the internet right? Its got some tech to it. 

Quit your fucking whining.

Why they allowed a mugshot is beyond me.

please... reign in the smugness...

He can just declare bankruptcy, like he’s done so many times before.

I think it’s required to be petty about this. The orange lardass motherfucker tried to take over the country by sicking the Egg McMuffin Mafia on the Capitol.

It really is a visual depiction of his anger, fear and humiliation all in one photo.


Also, every eight year old has done this in a bathroom mirror in an attempt to try and look scary.

Even his mugshot looks like a child having a tantrum.

C’mon Man, this is Gizmodo, not the BBC. 

There’s an outside chance it was John Oliver’s team... and I sincerely hope that it was.

It’s the perfect number! The largest number ever!

I’m starting this:

Dammit, someone beat me to it:

Inmate no. P01135809 has never looked better!