I’m with you on BMW’s terrible design choices of recent years.
I’m with you on BMW’s terrible design choices of recent years.
Ford rebranding the Taurus the Five Hundred. My Taurus wagon was one of the best cars I’ve owned. Why would you dump a best selling brand name for such a sucky one?
Saying the name Harley Davidson makes me think of middle aged wannabe tough guys cosplaying as pirates having ‘soup kitchens’ in their F-shack, I mean clubhouse.
Saying the name makes me think of this.
“Even saying the name Harley Davidson makes you think of the American flag.”
“backbone company”... Right. If Harley disappeared nobody would notice, except maybe people who live close to roads would sleep better.
As a fellow lib, there’s nothing that makes me feel more “owned” than a complete stranger destroying his own property in a fit of pique over some bunch of strangers trying to make sure some other bunch of strangers are being treated fairly.
Imagine being so braindead that you destroy your own property because some company that only cares about your money decided to signal to the world that, hey, maybe LGBTQ+ people might also want to ride motorcycles? LMAO. Absolutely braindead. And he’ll be rewarded for these shenanigans too because this is how the…
Even saying the name Harley Davidson makes you think of the American flag.
How’s he going to react when he finds out gunpowder was invented by the Chinese? Does that make his guns ‘woke’? Is he going to have to drown them? (I’d suggest blowing them up but I’m pretty sure the proto-hominids who discovered fire would not have been considered ‘white’.)
As a lib, I feel so owned after seeing this video.
Timberlake greeted the crowd, saying, “So, uh, is there anyone here tonight that is driving? No, I’m just kidding.”
Will Smith and the relationship with his wife(?) have been weird for a long time. He’s denied being a scientologist, but theres a reason people think hes at least somewhat affiliated with them. JT’s just an asshole with a drinking problem.
Hey, those guardsmen’s time is worth something too - why make them waste it on him?
It is a joke to him. Whatever fine or minimal punishment he’ll receive will be a drop in the bucket/minor inconvenience. He can afford any fine, has a few hours between shows to kill for community service (which will be scheduled at his convenience), and I 100% expect them to accommodate his concert because “his fans…
In this truck’s defense, lots of things might appear shorter than advertised, but the key is knowing where to measure from. I’d think many Cybertruck owners know what I’m getting at.
Friendly reminder that if you bet on the police version of events being a lie, you will win that bet 100% of the time.
He is very clearly inebriated in that photo right?
Before anyone jumps on this saying that he shouldn’t have a job with this much authority, or even a gun, we don’t have video of what actually happened here and for all we know his life was absolutely in danger and on top of that ACAB.