
NGL, decluttering is hard, especially for a packrat like me. It’s a never ending battle of “Do I need this? I will, someday,” for everything, from USB 1.0 cables to Zip drives, all on the off chance that some project I’m working on might need that one doo-dad that’s been in a box collecting dust for years.

I never minded Marie Kondo. What I minded were the people who got hooked on her thing and kept insisting that I do the same or that I was somehow inferior for not doing so, and for some that can bleed over to the source.

Welcome to parenthood, where all your intentions go to die. 

Everyone needs a hobby. Until they have a kid. Then your hobby is kids.

I dunno, I kind of loved her “do I need this, is it useful for me, no?, kbye” approach to decluttering. We’ve been on a kick to reduce our stuff-age for the past few years, and I find getting rid of shit to be immensely satisfying. We still have some junk we haven’t touched in years (clothes, books), but every so


You’re joking, right?  Facebook requires real names, and it’s one of the largest cesspools of misinformation and hate.

My mother-in-law had one of these. It was this weird reliable but not at all reliable car. Everything was broken yet somehow worked. It was functional crap. Top got stuck? Pull/push it aggressively and hear it make really bad sounds, but then it will work again. Moldy smell because it leaked? You bet. Half of the trim

I glazed over at “like new” with 50,000 miles.

Has a mother-in-law EVER listened to a son-in-law?  I don’t think so.

These are on a short list of worst cars ever made. Not just because Clarkson declared it to be so. Though I am puzzled there is a 200 version. I had hope Chrysler had the common sense to send these to the car afterlife when the Sebring died.

To illustrate what a tough choice we’re facing, it was 50/50 when I voted.

Did you think I didn’t think someone who got scammed could get scammed?  No, it started because I think it’s absurd that someone who gets paid 8 figures to run the organization so routinely is unable to prevent it from losing 9 figures on an all too regular basis. 8 figure salaries get 8 figure expectations from me.

But Jamie Dimon, the billionaire and possible scum bag that he is, can still be legitimately scammed with enough effort and know-how. Being rich and powerful doesn’t completely shield you from that. Probably reduces the chance of it happening, but nothing can fully prevent the possibility. And again, it sounds like

Its amazing how much the market has changed in the last 10 years - these used to be everywhere, now everyone is in SUVs.

And that’s not a bad thing.  A Passat without the VAG quality/maintenance/repair problems. 

I am on board this train with you. I didn’t see the chemistry between Carmy and Sydney. It’s not there in that way. But Sydney and Marcus, that’s a whole other story and I am here for it. 

i don’t think any of these characters on this show are mentally capable of being in a healthy relationship, yet.

Only partially joking; I’m torn between wanting them to smooch and wanting more media where women and men have deep relationships that don’t revolve around smooching.