Rewatchables has an amazing podcast episode on it?
Rewatchables has an amazing podcast episode on it?
Rightwingnuts demand the right to own machine guns and tanks and shit to “fight a tyrannical government.” But everyone else needs to GTFO if something even slightly irks them about blind fascist nationalism.
Florida, man, Florida.
He needs that sweater to hide his fat ass.
And boy howdy do they know how to take advantage! Just remember how much wealth the Catholic Church, the Mormons, and other mega-religious organizations like Scientology have accumulated by operating outside of real estate taxes that apply to everyone else:
Every 10-15k miles I am reminded of how fucking stupid this design is in an otherwise well designed engine bay.
Kate Spade has sadly been cleaned out of those bag styles since yesterday.
Kate Spade has sadly been cleaned out of those bag styles since yesterday.
I think she's great and if she stays on the left of center track she has a chance to appeal to both True Believers and those fucking Pennsyltucky mom's that voted for the hamberbler in 2016.
Speaking of printer ink, you know how they sell printers for like $50 but then the ink cartridges go dry every 50 pages and you have to send $9000 on new ones? This CL500 is the printer. Enjoy paying $9000 for any part you will definitely have to replace with 50 miles of ownership.
Oh boy flashbacks of Ilford 800 pushed to 1600 or 3200 for that sweet sweet snowflake grain. I think the digital equivalent is “potato cam”.
This color on a car like that will attract exponentially more dude bros than any other segment of the population.
This x10000. Coupled with the driver, it defined nonplussed teenaged pizza delivery dudes for me for decades.
Bets on Mitchy Mitch pushing through a scotus pick in 2020 and saying it's different from 2016.
Its a teeny tiny Rube Goldberg contraption on your wrist that requires a bunch of crazy mechanical shit to happen to do one simple thing: Tell the wearer what time it is and possibly what day and date it is. In fact the tinier and crazier the shit is, the more prized it is - watch people like to call additional…
Works for Trump, obviously doesn’t get paid well.
Ever visit rural areas outside of college towns in northeastern states? It was comparable to being in the deep white south (Alabama) the last time I got lost in Maine during a roadteip vacation.
Its a rich white people on private hunting trips getaway.
Unless you like to golf your friends are lying.
Please please please stay and keep trying. You’re basically national heroes even if it didn’t work out this time.
What we do every night, Pinky, try and take over the world!