You just described the NYKnicks for the last 20 years.
You just described the NYKnicks for the last 20 years.
Someone get this comment out of the greys!
Thanks, Pop Up video!
Na naaa nanana nana nana nana na nana naaaaa
To this day I still play that bit in my head as a pavlovian response to hearing the word inappropriate.
MkV Rabbits and Jettas and sportwagens were pretty much fine. They worked hard to “normalize” stuff and reduce quirky engineering to make things more reliable but making things feel more upscale compared to the competition in the compact segment (seriously, the Corollas and Civics and Focus of that era have not aged…
Seriously, this would sell like hot cakes, but that there is the rub, I bet their market research showed that the demographics would overlap with potential Tiguan/crossover shoppers which is what they're trying to go after with the SUV lineup.
Actual lol
WHAT. Why didn’t anyone tell me Annie Potts was in the cast?? God damn it, now I have to watch this show.
Wait, isn’t the SHO known for their high strung Yamaha 6cyl motors? This duder wants an all american V8.
How fucked are we that this "translator" is 100% true and not even a little bit satire.
How many miles have you put on it in the 10 years of ownership and do you drive it in inclement weather?
The only thing it needs is a remaster. Listening critically with new ears, it’s obvious the producers were trying for a “modern radio rock” sound instead of letting Hum be Hum, the studio grade-lofi geniuses they were.
Two nicely growing cherry/grape varieties will yield enough for a family of 4. Just be mindful of watering enough when it’s super hot if potted and staking and pruning as needed. Otherwise tomatoes are so unfussy and easy to grow in small spaces.
I would pay good money for a game called Football Hallucination.
The champagne of colors of course...champagne
Same, I’ve been eating at Chipotle since 2004, not as much as before, but at one point for a number of years it was my go to lunch spot 2x a week. Never sick once, but at this point it feels like I’m just rolling the dice every time I get a burrito bowl...