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    God, nothing worse than trying to complete your Masters in Public Health, and getting so fucking used to putting in a lip every time you needed to read an extra hundred pages, or buckle down and get some writing done, but you need to keep it a NATIONAL SECURITY LEVEL SECRET from everyone you know, including your

    The really weird part is the public difference between how LaRoche and Sale are treating this. LaRoche has been very publically gracious to everyone with only a few barbs thrown at Williams, while making very clear that this is just a choice he is making. Sale, who never met the kid before last year is FLIPPING HIS

    I can smell the Philadelphia on you

    Also being a massive entitled dick, but maybe I'm just repeating your point.

    I think so, though not sure if it's actually up and running. They wanted the FBI to move out there too, though that obviously didn't go through. Say what you will about bribing sports teams, it's a whole lot easier to coordinate than dealing with 535 congress critters each trying to out pork each other while DC still

    In the particular case of St. Elizabeth’s in DC, it is a huge block of land that the government owns next to some of the worst blight in the city, and they have been trying to find something, anything, to put there which will reconnect it to the rest of the city. A practice facility is a pretty poor fit for this goal,

    I mean yeah it's a lot of money, but baseball's profitability has been skyrocketing for years, and the players' share of that money has been shrinking. There is a lot of argument that Desmond looking for a bigger payday wasn't as much about personally wanting more than about raising the expected norm of what players

    As a fellow Washington unhealthy relationship haver, I can definitely relate to that ambiguous relationship to the team you hate that is still your team. It's a weird sort of melancholy, like seeing an ex on facebook. And also, Fuck the Eagles, Fuck Philadelphia, and Fuck you.

    And Michael Vick even moreso, but they still signed him.

    This article is mixing up the word inoculation (intentionally infecting someone with the full strength pathogen in order to get the infection out of the way while they are otherwise healthy) and vaccination (introducing an inactivated, attenuated, or non pathogenic version of a pathogen in order to provoke an immune

    *bunker to die in.

    Also, the Expos were a decades long loser with basically 2 good years in their history, run even further into the ground as only Loria can do, taken over by the MLB, and in a few years, the Lerners turned them into a perennial contender, at least for the time being. Owners don't do much other than sign checks, but it

    Seriously, this. I proudly own and wear a Desmond jersey, and even I can’t possibly justify bringing him back, which considering that nobody else would sign him seems to say they weren’t being unreasonable. Daniel Murphy in to shore up the infield makes Espinosa (second on the team in fWAR last year, fwiw) much less

    Maybe I don’t really know much about the inner workings of the music industry, but it sounds like Martin spends a LOT of time writing music he wants better liked musicians to record. Like, if you're so into these songs, why don't you record them rather than trying to glom onto someone else?

    Do people really consider her that hot? I was an 18 year old boy during the peak of “SHE IS THE DEFINITION OF WHAT HOT IS!!!” and at least on the male end of things I always got the impression it was guys doing that thing where they loudly state something that is culturally accepted as normal to prove their

    It's like GOD you people can't even understand a satire when you see one

    Considering how clear he has made it that if HRC is the nominee then his supporters should vote for her, and how the loudest online element of his supporters seemingly thinks that she is literally the exact same thing as Trump, then no, no they haven’t. Which makes you wonder why they flocked to Sanders in the first

    Hell, the standard “8 glasses of water per day” is way more than almost anyone needs, even with a conservative definition of “glass”.

    3/4 of a gallon of water is a lot and way more than you need, especially if you aren't doing manual labor in the sun all day.