
Don’t shoot at persons or vehicles in Charlotte.

The presidential inauguration will precede the final decent-looking Japanese car.

The final decent-looking Japanese car will be made after the inauguration, not before it.

*That* part of the Grand Tour shows is bizarre. It’s insulting to Kimi and other would-be guests.

Kim Raikonnen eats ice cream.

after Toyota’s slogan “moving forward” (pure genius) ... and the postal service slogan, “We deliver for you”

Our tax dollars at work...

Thank you.

Exactly— you hit the nail on the head. No one commenting before you would write that.

Sorry- it’s ‘thumb up’ (Safari on iPhone)


Preach it, brother.

B-2, F-35, and Osprey programs have been obscenely expensive and unnecessary. Close-air support role A-10 has not been an expensive boondoggle but has been cost-effective and successful.

I have wondered since the 1970s why the tires are exposed to enemy gunfire.

👍🏻Thank you.

The women who don’t care about driving dynamics merely buy the Korean and Japanese mommy-wagons that they see their peers driving.

That’s what I was intending to write. 👍🏻

I don’t know... and Comedians in Cars agetting Coffee is shown “elsewhere”: ComediansinCarsGettingCoffee dot com. 

I don’t know... and that site is not needed when we can just view ComediansinCarsGettingCoffee dot com.