
wing = fast?!

Exactly— what a lousy, uncaring job by a person who obviously didn’t care abour cars and race cars

“Tyler Rogeway”?!

Flags are not supposed to be worn. They fly from flagpoles. I’m sorry that persons don’t unferstand what flags are and what their purposes are.

Amphetamines don’t cause a body to metabolize, or otherwise rid itself of, fat.

Billions of urine bladders and urethrae have contained germs

👍🏻Thank you.

always strike Earth? — not

You believe that rockets have no guidance? SpaceX, NASA, ESA, USAF, Soviet, Indian, and Chinese space flight programs, et cetera?

Agreed. I believe that the persons who were shown slowly jogging after the train of cars passed weren’t élite runners.

Not me; I steer away. If I had a SeaDoo with a thrust reverser, I could brake.

For several years, some personal watercraft have had brakes— thrust-reversers like those of some aircraft jet engines.

None have brakes?

Thank you!

“the two men arrived late to check in,” so how did they ‘check in’ and then board an airplane?


“Everyone had to deplane, though ...” Really? Really?

agreed 👍🏻