Brad Erthal

I think the better answer would have been the easiest: Follow protocol and if someone gets their hands on fake documents from Russian intelligence, declare publicly that they’re fake and arrest the relevant foreign agents.

He was summoned like that.

I interacted with someone recently who is glad to see Obamacare go but has three kids on Medicaid. They deserve better; she does not.

Trump has never gone down in his life.

I actually could be talked into believing that this was some jiu jitsu on the part of the college administration.


Edgy. So given that you see that reality, what do you think about his successor (or his predecessor)?

I’m here to remind you that there are several branches of government in the United States. Hi!

Manchin won’t vote for this. We aren’t getting a bluer Democrat in his seat, so let’s take the vote where we can get it.

The GOP “leadership” allowed some ‘no’ votes. Your rep did this as much as all the others when they caucused Republican.

They won’t do a mea culpa. Just like their Supreme Leader, Trump support us will regale us with stories of how No One Could Have Known. Party of personal responsibility and all that.

What else could they have done?

It was Clinton’s 1993 tax plan.

The opposition party can do fuck-all if they can’t win elections. Worrying about electoral chances is necessary for worrying about constituents. Don’t ever get that twisted.

I think it’s news every time the lunatic president of the United States says nice things about tin pot dictators.

Figures he’d cross off items prematurely. Bannon’s still in.

The other one is a serious critique of people granting Milo some of his lies. This one’s an attempt at levity. It’s important to have balance in your life.

I know what he says. But the case is very strong that he’s lying about his sexuality. He comes from the 4chan subculture, in which impersonating someone you’re not to make trolling rhetorical points is fine.

Men refusing to handle emotions like adults is most of political history, actually.

He’s not self-hating. He’s not Jewish, so to paraphrase Krusty the Clown, he’s just a regular antisemite. And I’m alone in this, but I’m pretty sure he’s also not gay.