I prefer racism to be out in the open. I'd rather know who I can associate with. Nothing worse than befriending someone who later on disappoints you with incredibly ridiculous views that compromise a friendship.
Often, when I go to Walmart or Target, I am asked to help someone because they think I work there... Only thing is, I'm white. Not sure where being mistaken for a retail employee ever became a racial thing. Personally, I think that's more of an indictment of how bad retail customer service is these days.
Even if this was 100% satire, it was 0% funny. Making a friend just because of the color of their skin is just as racist as not having a friend of a certain color.
Why does that sandwich have a clitoris???
Right... Came later... As in since A Different World.
Consider: we haven't had a mainstream television show or film about a black college experience since A Different World premiered in 1987.
87ers (Sixers D-League team) has tryouts coming up...…
I really want some chicken with a side of snow peas right now.
What do you think he means??? He yells real loud?
Keith Olbermann doesn't wish the NFL any bad luck then hopes it gets hit by a car.
I'm shocked... They found so few idiots in Baltimore.
Do you believe that number? I've never been in a bar on Sunday and seen more than 25-30% women. I've never been in a fantasy league with more than two women out of 10. I've never been at a stadium that was more than 1/4 women. What's the definition of "fan" in this statistic.
Diet Coke has neither calories nor high fructose corn syrup... Moving on.
16. Why the hell do the Baltimore Ravens have a statue of Johnny Unitas outside of their stadium when he never played a down of football for the Ravens or the Cleveland Browns?
How do you know someone in your office wasn't arrested for beating his wife? Just curious.
But they can be in physical danger... And they can be in emotional danger... And it's often futile no matter how hard you try.
There are a lot of things we should never do. Who decides which ones should never be rehabilitated? It seems to be here that we just want Ray Rice to disappear.
Sounds like we're continuing the abuse of her because we don't like her decisions. Stay classy, Joe Public.
Is it actually possible this was the first time? Is it possible he's done the right things since?