
Calling BS on HUNTing anything unless your doing 50 rolls...still a 13s car in the 1/4


I ‘played’ for a few hours solo this afternoon. Sailing the sloop solo (after wrecking into an island at full speed) isn’t a tall order, and after a bit, kind of rewarding when you can slide her into a dock like a pro.

Should be 6.7 seconds.

Nostalgia is like a fine wine...or something

Ohh, very chicken eggie...

pew pew

Oh my god you really weren’t kidding? What a fucking asshole.


The #1 cause of death (by a fuck-ton) is heart disease, ban ALL hearts!!

Welcome to the Millennial States of America...some one died, ban it.


You forgot “yet” at the end of your thingy...

Solid point.

Spiders have rights too mkay!!

I am so hungry now...

I mean really...what wouldn’t you eat that was also slathered in mayo & potatoes?

I’ve used a small amount of cinnamon and nutmeg in my chili if we are having a fall/harvest type gathering.

New top 3! BotW > LttP > WW

Serious question, I have not played more than 10-15 min of TP or SS because I can’t stand the controls, can you use a “pro” controller and bypass the motion controls??