
Same could be said about most Pinto(s)

The cake is a lie.

Seriously, didn’t you see the garage door thing in the movie?

Very good and underrated Kinja right here.

Doubtful. It’s the ONLY show on Amazon worth watching.

I hope this subscription thing catches on but w/ an exchange model.
Maybe say 1nce a month or X times a year you can go swap whatever you are driving for a different car in the lineup (obviously your payments adjust accordingly).

Have you seen it in orange!? oofa yes!

Yes and all the fun cars are autos too, I mean who doesn’t want an automatic Miata?

Yeah well...mostly capable...

Damn it Mike! I wasn’t even going to get the super deluxe edition and now I want all 4!!!

Agreed, most of the earlier stuff had super long ears. Her dress is very nice though!

2b1b 1200 sqft on 1.6 acres inbtw the pines and the river, my local districts have tried for as long as I can remember to fight the property tax increases year after year, i thought we might have a chance 8 years ago, the last 4 were abysmal though.

Gott get custom implants...go big or go home.

Sick burn!

Isn’t it ironic...don’t ya think?

Newark is the epicenter of porkchop food, can confirm - I married one.

Well the Toyobaru sisters have been around a decent amount longer. I guess your point is correct, the 124 just isn’t really marketed (or sold) to the track day enthusiast.

Do you own a home or business?

Fellow NJ property tax payer here. It’s so very telling, that Murphy & Co. are trying to loophole the feds instead of...ya know...trying to lower property taxes maybe...

Strange that Hollywood hasn’t bought into this yet...seems like an easy trilogy set in any of the book sets.