
500 hours laterrr...

Might be on purpose. Back in the day we had to create our own maps by hand. #getoffmylawn

I owned a ‘15 200S. Nicest American interior I’ve ever been in, hands down. Huge infotainment screen, great seats, plenty of room (for me). Quiet, somewhat powerful, sort of AWD, trans was trash, very handsome blue with dark metallic wheels. Absolute joy to drive on the highway at higher speed. One of only 3 vehicles

The spark plug company?

michael fassbender approves.

I’m thinking more like Aliens.

Drones man...drones.

Name checks out.

That’s great, so you have to either pay the gas guzzler tax or the non-gas guzzler tax...yay governments!

10 of 10, would boop.

Any update on that tree planting body-pod company from a few years ago?

Haha that would be so we are in season 10 or something, and every time they end an episode with Tatooine it’s just old Boba standing on a dune staring away and never anything else about him. That would absolutely be brilliant and drive people insane.

Shaggy2Dope sees what you did there...

No ‘18 Focus RS love?


God I feel so much better knowing this. I was considering not even bothering with DKC2 on the switch b/c I thought I was too old, the crash remakes kicked my ass completely off!

Where are all the Earther people on this?? Their country was JUST on fire for months at a time and they’re just going to burn 50 tons of jet fuel because they have cabin fever (heh)?! WTF man, this is some Florida level shite.

Holy crap. How much carbon did you use creating this steaming pile of BS?

Oh man, if skinny jeans are bad for the environment millennials are gonna loose their shit!
