
you need the coil overs for the hole shot!! Don’t forget!

The Eclipse topped out at 140...before he got NAWS...two of the big ones...

It may have to do with the krypt klock? Maybe try at like midnight or something lol


how we do things in Philly ya fuckin' douchebag, we don't take shit from anybody, we eat our grease sandwiches and make life miserable for everyone, go fuck yourself.

Hell yeah! My 18-20 pounder caught a small bat one night out of mid air. Freaked the shit out of me and my stoner buddy. The more I thought about it I'm like shit man...I couldn't do that without a huge fucking net, a baseball bat, some flood lights and a shit ton of luck lol.

Just got a Chrysler 200S much american is that?

No mention of Mia’ know what part I’m talkin bout!

Hold B. Genwonner here.

sliding without power =/= power sliding :)

No one likes the tuna here...

I must say i do enjoy turning the hazards on in my wife’s car while she’s driving...usually just sitting at a red’z

Actually...I retract that. The Police in NJ usually drive 1 mph over the "REAL" speed limit. For example NJTP? 81 mph left lane...that way everyone else knows to do 80.9 mph and never pass a NJST on the turnpike lol!

The police rarely drive significantly faster than the speed limit

Whoo hoooo!!!! LET’S GO!!!

No V6 and FWD only? Pass...


I’ve been playing TFC since the WON days...yeah...remember that? LOL

I played TF2 for like...2 matches and never picked it back up, I think if they called it something else I’d be fine but it felt so UN-TFC that it irked me...

best game of tag ever lol

LOL I still have the G71 wallpaper on mine...