
So a guy I may know buys a car in another state, goes to DMV to register and such. Guy gets to the counter and the agent goes...did you pay sales tax at the dealer in the other state. Guy says yea but knows he didn't...agent says there is no record of sales tax being paid, you'll have to go call the dealer. Okay says


2Jz no shit?

I believe El Dorado translates loosely to "The Dorado"

the LY7 debuted in 2004 8/

Mmmm sofa with wheels...hand me a beer

Yeah but they have "cut and sew" interiors...

Great question. We have an entirely new family of V6 engines coming soon, premiering in CT6. We will release technical details of this next month. Today's twin turbo version could hardly be described as lacking power or refinement- the latest version, in the ATS-V, for example, comprehensively eclipses any comparable

This is probably a matter of personal taste. This is often overlooked: Cadillac is the only full-line luxury brand that employs "cut-and-sew" interiors across the board. If you carefully study the execution of the interior fascia, you will indeed notice that in Cadillac models, only the highest grade of authentic

I can just see these people seeing this and being all butt hurt thinking he's serious...LMAO

This just in!

Now maybe we are seeing the aftermath of the 'everybody wins', there are no have a trophy even if you come in last mentality.

Best scope game evarrr....

Valid point. I think what I was getting at is the difference in horsepower wouldn't necessarily reflect a large gain in performance depending on "where" the hp is gained. So my hypothesis would be that there is no positive correlation btw difference in max hp and overall performance.

only 177k mi. black 2.5L Iron Duke w/ 5-spd it's fun lol.

aaghh that sounds terrible...yet hilarious in small bits.

I lol'd.

why wouldn't you just lift them up?