
To my defense I haven't purchased a shed yet and my lawn mower was/is more expensive than my '92 S-15.

What I mean is let's say you have two cars. They both make 300 hp at 7500 rpm, BUT @ say 4000 rpm one makes 210 hp and the other 260 hp. So yes they both are driving around in "300 hp cars" (side note: whats w/ the nobody caring about torque thing) but one would be a rather different experience at normal rpms and not

Oh, and Kurt Busch totally cupped Danica's...........face

AHH where did pass time go?! I miss that show so much! ALL the LS1-ness lol

So I'm thinking Hinkie is trying to be the first team in history to have all the picks in the whole draft! Seems legit.

The other thing that needs to be mentioned is @ what RPM is the motor making that HP? Sure a car may have 300+ hp but you need to ring the motor out past 8000 RPM to get to 299.51 hp... i have to go find ALL my cartridges, find one of my old GBs, scour my home for batteries, and go and release ALL of my pokemon before I can sleep again...Damn you!

Best dad evarrrr!


Yeah, I guess technically you'd be buying at invoice instead of MSRP.

LS1 swap?!

Any word on how much this will drop the 1st gens? Used R8s seem to be the most practical car of that type and the most attainable.


I'm from NJ and I...

Nice. I was in the city last weekend. Standing on a corner around TS thinking to know, I could just sit here all day and watch the comedy that is NYC traffic.

Go big or go home!

Well get the fuck out of our way! We have places to be and things to do you know...

But if it does...

You can get a 2014 leftover brand new for $37k if you try.