
...and you're not going to buy either...

That's what I was thinking...who the fuck has to go to target and says...hmm...I think i'll the lambo...douche

Is that you!?

Yay Bimmer drivers!

700 CRANK hp... #whenricersbuydomestic

I ran out of juices...


Baby blue prius.

Crazy ass white boy!!

What are you some kind of wizard!?

Crazy ass white boy!

Lots of these for less than half of the budget:

LOL I think you'd need 20k just to test drive it.



Now, before, you rush down to the comments to give me your opinion, I should mention that I already know what you're thinking, and that is: This is the single stupidest answer I've ever heard. And I understand your line of thought: your parents got you a Volvo, or a Civic, or you mowed lawns for 24 years in order to

The same people that care about hats!

I always wondered if Kirby ate a Boo would he be a pink boo or a white kirby?

Woah woah can do that!?

What does that mean for you? More power and fuel efficiency. This is why modern engines are so amazing.