
You say that now because you are not DEAD. Think about it asshole. A 16 year old girl DIED because of this lady. Scumbag.

huh? like mid $20k? that doesn't seem right...and it looks like that?


Any idea of HOW entry level this will be?

The amount of putin in this picture is too damn high!

Yeah but bewbs man...

yup. 1.8t quattro m5 w/ all seasons. No probs in NJ

um...because Texas?

I wonder how many NJ has /square mile...cuz...we have a bunch too lol

I've drank in a few states, NC you have to go to the ABC store (state) to get liquor, Beer is in the grocery store. Toronto you have to go to LCBO (province) to get liquor and the sad selection of beer. PA you drive 30-40 minutes to find a state liquor store, anything over a six-pack is state beer distributor, you

I don't think I can poop standing up, or strain to poop visibly in public. I would get stagefright), everyone will smell it. In fact, you might even get the flight grounded and searched due to potential biohazards.

Late 4th gens only had the LS1. Ls3 wasn't release until the 2008 Vette.

LS1 adds a whopping 60 lbs to the stock curb weight.

You speak the truth my friend.

Ahh ohkay, just had a strong nostalgia thing going on...had GY Eagle F1 GS D3s on my F-body...they smelled wonderful at atco...mmm #jalopgasm

Is that top one a Goodyear Eagle D3?

Yep, a 5th gen w/ blizzaks is surprisingly very capable in the snow.

Right in the FEELS!!! I remember watching this after school, I miss those cars soooo much! The Peugeot 206 FTW btw...