whelp...guess I know what I'm doing when I get home!
whelp...guess I know what I'm doing when I get home!
It's fun when it's sunny and dry out...not so much any other time since the weather seems to bother no one lol
So? I hated one-uppers before the internet even existed!
Jayson Werth...lol
See NJ turnpike Monday Mornings @ 6AM...as close to Nascar as you'll get on a public road. 85-90 mph bumper to bumper and the cops don't even bat an eye. Actually if you are doing 79 mph in the middle lane #1 you are probably in someones way and #2 will get passed by at least 3 state troopers.
Simple. Don't go over 80 in Virginia. No matter what.
Hehe that little car looks so happy! My Quattro can't wait for the first snow hoonage of the year!
Psh, I hate one more one-upper than the number of one-uppers you hate.
Or change the assholes...
+1 here! I wish I had a new console every year! My list follows as:
I had this exact idea for my kid, who is not here yet. Start w/ NES (Mario/Duck Hunt/Track & Field, Zelda, & Tetris). Those were the three cartridges I had when I started at 4.
99 FRC 6spd. Lightest LS1 vette, got 26 mpg regularly and over 30 on a one tank highway trip.
Pew pew pew!
+1 Today's Winner of the Internet!
I've spent many days of my life on this map...
Yup...I bought this the day it came out...so far I've played 1 online match...been playing AW, Fifa 15, and SSMB/MK8 while all this gets sorted out...maybe I'll just wait until the Beta comes out...sad
Made improvements to prevent a player's rank from resetting unexpectedly
Just waiting for me FF9...
This was fantastic, thank you.