If we were able to incorporate ACSI scores in the total (we didn't because ACSI only gives one average score for many of the smaller airlines), Frontier Airlines might have been rated worse than American, United, and US Air. Not only does Frontier have sub-par on-time performance, The Department of Transportations'…
I get it!
I get it!
Virginia charges whole state w/ speeding. Whole State hires Mr. Awesome lawyer guy. Mr. Awesome Now-Rich Lawyer guy buys Super Fast Car. Virginia seizes Super Fast Car and sends Mr. Awesome Now-Criminal Lawyer guy to jail. VIRGINIA LOVES FAST CARS AND HATES LAWYERS! I'm okay w/ Virginia now...not really...
This is spot on. Unfortunately any kind of insurance is high in NJ, I wonder if it's the same in Oregon...though I doubt it.
I think your turtle neck is too tight...or not tight enough...
I am down for Hellrango!
Yeah insurance companies have to get their hand in everything...but I'm sure we are the ones paying for it $0.01/gal at a time...sigh
Insurance that the gas station pays. B/C if I go and spray myself w/ gas and light myself on's the gas station's fault...such is the way of America
Insurance is more expensive for self serve. Obviously because of people who are less than average in the intelligence department...such as yourself.
You sir are a moron.
Intake, Borla cat-back and a tune...done...well until you get the headers and e-cutouts [devil] then it's time for a cam swap and some sticky icky tires...mine as well get a fast intake while you're doing the cam...prly a set of weld wheels and hoosier daddies too...then you know what? FUCK IT #BECAUSERACECAR…
...can't tell if not understanding sarcasm or using sarcasm...
You do get a legit shit ton of standard equipment tho, so for an equally equipped sedan that DOESN'T come w/ an LS3 it's actually priced decently, you can pick one up around $41k brand new and I think there's only like 1 decision to make, if you want a sunroof or not lol. Plus it's got headed AND cooled seats :p very…
Just threw up a lil...but I think this wins!
Re-make Crash Bandicoot and FFIX and I will buy a PS4 just for this.
Pretty sure the answer to this question is a 2013 CPO S4.