So a 1st Cuz 1nce removed can be my Mom's Cousin or my Cousin's it!
Dear Kotaku,
Please let me know when this is fixed. In the mean time I'll be happy w/ my Smash Bros, MK8 and AW (even though that took forever to update too). My MCC will sit and continue to collect dust.
Hmm...snub mount? When I did my timing belt the snub mount looked like a kitchen sink sponge lol
100% Blown mount(s) somewhere.
My DD is an 02 B6 A4 1.8T M5 Quattro Sedan...and I approve this message! (even has rear seat heat!)
I have a B6 A4 1.8T M5 Quattro. Best thing I've ever driven in the snow. Only failure was the water pump, which is spun by the timing belt, which is the repair you have to detach and swing out the front bumper. You don't have to though, the front clip will pull out to "service position" but i have fat I…
Give me a call when the drag slicks come out ;)
Give me FF9-2 or Mystic Quest Remake!
Rule know your bi-curious...
Tried to play again last night, matchmaking takes forever, doesn't "feel" right. Going back to AW for awhile til this all gets straightened MK8 dlc is out today w00t!
You can find a bone stock 2000 Z28, buy used set of DRs, swap in a stall. sub 12.5. for around $4k shipped + tax title & tags...
As a scorpion fanboy since MK1, I approve this Fatality. The previously mentioned...Get over here! Spear-to-the-heart as he crushes sub's heart, sub falls to the floor would be almost too expected at this point.
...WRONG WHEEL meant to say...
Rule 34.
I need F-Zero U in my life!!!
This is awesome and I 100% approve of after race fistacuffs...once everyone is out of the cars of course. I also like there's that...
Awesome. Purchased. Thx New Egg!
Awesome. Purchased. Thx New Egg!
Good idea, still think they will have a pace/safety car in addition to this tech. Tradition and sponsor money should keep cool cars w/ flashy lights on the track!