
Obvious LS1 is obvious

This is where Audi did right: the R8 was expensive enough to be cool, but not so expensive that people keep them locked up in garages inside one of those inflatable bubbles. The result is that the R8 is a brand ambassador for Audi at every stoplight, reminding people that Audi is more than just a timing belt service

Why you no include motherboard specs?

Friday, Central NJ, $2.77 reg. $3.07 Premiummmm

Is there a hard date for release yet!?

this made me giggle like a little school girl.

As a New Egg Preferred member for as long as I can remember...I approve this poll...

Ahh SRT scoopage

No freaking way dude. I already have Alien's showing up in my dreams...although now that I'm older I know how to avoid them, would not want to add that experience to my memory banks lol! Frrreeeakky

Wow Camaro is all the way down @ 19.2%...heh can't catch me copper!

asshat does not deserve that car...hope it's re-badged...and seriously who puts the tuner's logo on ur car like that...

"All the titles that were temporarily suspended will be restored to the approved reading list," he said.

Audi S4 does this as well...pull fuse

Everyone's all excited about FFXV and I'm just sitting here waiting for a FF9 HD Remake... :)

Sounds like a bunch of cry babies to me. Now that you actually have to win instead of just grinding to get a high VR...

You sir are incorrect. By simple logic, Prius and faster cannot be used in the same sentence!

I submit to you the Lexus RX350. THE most dangerous vehicle on the road. If you see one, I can only tell you hide.

LS1 F-body wins all under $10k discussions. #becauseracecar

Or you could just move along and let us have our internet back. kthxbai

Ahh the Library. Scariest video game moment ever...the first time you played that level and had no fools!