their fatal error was that he wasn't a virgin.
their fatal error was that he wasn't a virgin.
that's how psychoanalysis works in tyrannical states. the AV Club is just going with the flow!
that is even more fucking hilarious coming from you!
that is fucking hilarious coming from you!
but they offered up a beloved television writer/producer/director/showrunner as human sacrifice!
good. you don't deserve us anymore.
no, I'll allow it. if this is the face we choose to show to our opponents, then so be it. maybe we just need to hit bottom before we realize what we've become.
because it's the last days of this site as a community, and you don't want to miss a thing, even if it's this kind of garbage?
hey, if anyone knows about racism, it's aryans.
you lost me at complicated. I want issues to be simple, one-sided and easy to digest!
oh man, these folks are in for a rude fucking awakening when their kids become teenagers!
true, she is soft on sci-fi equality. BURN HER!
not gonna bother to look it up (cause last time I did it was a pain in the ass to), but there was an online comic called "Basic Instructions" that had a great line that will stay with me always: "most people think a smart person is someone who knows more than they do, and agrees with them."
it breaks my goddamn heart, but progressivism/liberalism appears to have become social-conservatism, but without the religious aspect.
first: remove all flaws. this may require some light time-travel.
or undecided on both, but easily swayed.
I nominate Margaret Atwood. never read any of her books, never seen the TV show, but everytime I hear her interviewed on NPR she seems absolutely on-point, and in particular seems to take a dim view of exactly the kind of feminism being preached here.
'course that's an excuse you heard second hand through his ex-wife.
I look to reactive strangers on the internet for validation of all my moral and ethical beliefs.