Bizarro Sacrelicious

it's so sad that all the other racists won't let him play any of their racist games.

yes, but Steve Bannon has a tail.

he was right about poundcake and scotch.

cancer + AIDS x diabetes

okay, I'll bite: how is eating your own dick shittier than eating your own tail? shit comes out from just under the tail!

I'll wait for In The Waiting Room Reading A Year Old Issue of The New Yorker The Dragon, thankyouverymuch.

this is why I always use my own art for avatars.

I remember years and years ago, back when his film career was still taking off, and back before E! True Hollywood Stories were strictly tragedies, there was an E! True Hollywood Story on him, and they showed these little caricature sculptures he would make for his friends and acquaintances. they were pretty good. so

oh, come on, suffering for the rest of us is the job description of a Jesus!

"In news that would be a lot more encouraging if it weren’t coming from the lips of Steve Fucking Blowing Bannon,"

I think a street should be named after him, but it has nothing to do with his record.

I like defacing the monuments better than forcibly toppling them. it puts the onus on them to remove them, just to avoid the expense of cleaning up the vandalism.

funny how behaving like an unhinged lunatic for eight straight months makes people wary of rubber-stamping your entire agenda.

fitting. O Henry couldn't have written it better.

sorry, but vampires are usually thin and sexy.

mentally, yes.

unless -as I witnessed from one of Disqus' "interesting commenters"- you go around calling people "trannies" or "tranny cocksuckers". you apparently don't get banned for that there.

makes sense. I mean, as we discussed earlier, even if you're successful at it, sucking your own dick is unsatisfying. but if you have dozens of people willing to suck it for you, well that's a no-brainer!

did you find out if you're a spitter or a swallower?

no bread. he looks like that homemade flour-based playdough, but the dumb kid didn't add enough water, and did a slapdash job of kneading it too.