what if their job is wedding DJ, and they're a fan of Machine Metal Music?
truly they are our berserkers.
in summation: removing statues is erasing history. endorsing cruel and unusual punishment -as a nation founded in part on the objection to such- notsomuch.
and well-made big budget superhero movies are plentiful, but all anybody can do is bitch about it.
it ain't there for drinkin'.
WHAT?! I thought that song was about poaching flightless avian livestock!
in the end though, we're really just used condoms sent by Jared Leto. when you think about it.
*does interpretive dance representing the sentence "I have no idea what you're talking about"*
I hate to toot my own horn, but I've been telling you guys you've misjudged them for years!
do not, my friend, become addicted to Faygo. it will take hold of you, and you will resent it's absence.
sure, everyone wants to be arcade fire. but do we have the sheer strength of will?
wouldn't it be great if that was Bannon's fate?
I give up. I keep entering these contests, but I never win a butler.
for some reason, vaping makes me feel like I haven't had a cigarette in seven hours.
worse yet, they lost NEA funding due to their controversial "Piss HBO" art exhibit (pictured).
"and she only tasted one brain just to see if she liked it."