the fact that Trump attempts to equivocate by referring to the "alt-left" would suggest that "alt-right" has developed negative connotations in even the right's mind, self chosen a term or otherwise.
the fact that Trump attempts to equivocate by referring to the "alt-left" would suggest that "alt-right" has developed negative connotations in even the right's mind, self chosen a term or otherwise.
"expand on that. what do you mean when you say you have 100 problems?"
everyone who works for him?
they also have the nerve to say they're all about personal responsibility.
don't worry, President Screech will return dignity to the office by then.
so… nobody give Trump a blowjob?
I never thought I'd say this, but… QUICK, SOMEBODY GIVE TRUMP A BLOWJOB!
so he waits for the facts to come in before making up his mind… but not before spouting off about it? yeah, see, that's also a problem.
but if we white people aren't constantly at eachothers throats over you guys we might have time to realize how much we hate ourselves.
as my granddad learned when he tried to keep one as a souvenir, they are perishable goods.
TO BE FAIR… the German ones weren't quite the consumers of American pop culture as the American ones are.
you two should just fuck and get it over with.
I don't really listen to St. Vincent, but my ex should totally listen to St Vincent, she'd love her. but she's never listened to St. Vincent. she follows up on recommendations about as well as I do.
"shallow and pedantic."
I'm wearing a shirt. that should count as a shirt costume. and a convincing one too. it's made of real shirt.
but are you one, or ain't you no?
can't say it here. I can't. it's banned here, so I just can't.
if you wear a shirt that says "fuck" in public, it's only fair that you should fuck in public.