Bizarro Sacrelicious

I'm troubled to see "motherfucker" described as "intimate".

don't worry, I'll be there for you.

I thought it was about Wesley Snipes.

what if we crowdfunded a statue of James Woods pulling a gun out of his chest-vagina as a replacement (and I'm imagining keeping the dedication intact for this)? would that make him feel better?

that's an oversight that I'm sure will be fixed soon enough.

how is that not the "are we the baddies?" moment for them?

do you have video of James Woods and Kevin Sorbo giving eachother multiple strokes?

you put one of ours in the morgue, we'll put one of your statues on the ground. you know what? that's not even a good trade for us, so you'll take it and you're like it!

James, I'm telling this as a friend*: lay off the coke.

We All Know That in the Game of Thrones You Win Or You Die, But What This Video Presupposes is… Maybe You Don't?

there was a brief time in the late 80's and early 90's where it seemed for a moment that maybe lightsabers might become a standard device in sci-fi, and not one exclusive to Star Wars. never anything big and mainstream, but there were occasional book covers, and uses in novels. and perhaps most famously, Grendel:

you don't change horse's asses midstream.

I gotta say though, the generals in the cabinet do give me some small shred of hope that there might be someone in the room willing to put him down should he decide to start a nuclear exchange on a whim.

I don't know, maybe. I guess. nuance is a fickle bitch.

I, for one, am willing to set aside my misgivings and give him a chance. I'll give him seven and a half years. if he doesn't shape up and get his act together by then, he's out of there!

it's a big butt. it's entirely possible.

and you better believe, they're allll silk.

I know a hundred characters and change can be complicated and difficult to digest, but it seems pretty obvious that he was calling Joe Arpaio a fascist. now it's implied in the context that Trump and his administration are fascists for pardoning a fascist like them. but they aren't the ones who are being directly

I consider myself far-middle.

I would theorize that the latter shit tastes more like what it did going in that the former.