that way no one will have to be pressed into service as stunt people anymore!
that way no one will have to be pressed into service as stunt people anymore!
can we please remember that these are stunt people who know and understand the risks of their particularly risky profession, and only do the job because they love it? if there is in fact evidence of arm-twisting or corner cutting, sure, fuck the producers or whoever. but until then, can we simply say she died doing…
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people haven't recently painted something that color. color preferences seem to go in trends. so we're all, in spite of ourselves, leaning toward the same color preferences at any given time. it's the hivemind. so then when somebody is deciding a specific purple to honor for a known…
my acoustical panels (re-purposed from apple box separators from work) are almost that color, so I'm there already!
I'd just go a shade lighter or two.
and thereby stifling speech.
well Canada hasn't as yet had a situation of egregiously stifled speech. we have. we had McCarthyism. maybe someday you'll have something like that. then you'll understand.
take away the right to free speech, and I'll be forced to change my position on the right to bear arms.
they are stupid, but worse yet, incurably stupid. they will always be stupid and will never, ever listen to reason. so the answer is simple: they must be exterminated. it's the only way if they aren't persuadable!
and if gay people can get married, can't people marry their dogs too?
it is our failure in not using our free speech better. we have forgotten how to use it to persuade rather than for blanket condemnation. that's our bad, and we need to work on that. I trust a persuasively presented fact to beat an equally persuasively presented lie. and these lies aren't even being all that…
free speech is the freedom foundational to all other freedom. meanwhile hate speech can have very fuzzy distinctions, and laws restricting it can even be co-opted by the bigots and used to their ends. have you not listened to the right bleat and whine about hatred against conservatives, white people, men, Christians,…
I realize it is not anyone's intention, but… please let's not associate free speech with these people. we cannot let them have that. frankly, it's not even what they want. they start crying free speech? fine, counter it with our own. but please, please do not let free speech advocacy become synonymous with the alt…
historically, nazis have made exceptions for Japanese people.
"Yesterday, December 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces - on both sides.
well yeah, some idiot stuck a tuner on the third fret! what the fuck were they thinking?!
I hope not, Joey has a severe drinking problem.
when a funnyman gets big enough he can hire people to be funny for him.
*Taps on desk*
just as long as he can still fit into those Apple Bottom Jeans.