Bizarro Sacrelicious

you know your water crisis is bad when even Mars is sending you water.

uh oh, here come the Dancing Ito's!

The Last Slamurai

that was a surprisingly blunt fortune.

lets not just assume that he's getting too old to be doing this. I think there's plenty of room to blame the Crane Man.

Interview With an Internist

Days of Edge of That Building

I would guess this is not the stunt that he trained a year for. jumping from one building to another is action film potboiler. unless one of those buildings is a skyscraper, and the other is a diner.

my heart is with my treasured collection of human hearts.

there's still plenty of unspoiled meat on the carcass. I mean, in a week it'll be tough to pick off the maggots, so get some while you can. maybe stick some in your freezer for later.

wow, suddenly her trick-shooting exhibitions sound much less impressive.

surely he had time to squeeze in one last Mayor Adam West bit on Family Guy.

say what you will about him, but the president says what he means, and his handlers say what what he said means.

I hear she only likes guys with piercings.

I fail to see what Sid and Marty Croft have to do with anything.

you don't get in that game for the status, man. a true crier is in it for the love of shouting!

"Similar to American vaudeville (but not British vaudeville, which is closer to what Americans would call burlesque)"

it's never too late to move to Perth and yell news headlines.

The worst thing that ever happened to me was on Christmas. Oh, God. It was so horrible. It was Christmas Eve. I was 9 years old. Me and Mom were decorating the tree, waiting for The Boy Jones to come home from work. A couple of hours went by. Jones wasn’t home. So Mom called the office. No answer. Christmas Day came

that picture *is* 18 by 1838 standards.