Bizarro Sacrelicious

there's 21 books in that series? that seems like a bit much!

but only slightly.

no can do. the can's in the refrigerator, and it's running!

he was stationed on the HMS Incontinent? I hear that was a poorly built ship. it was prone to ejecting it's entire poop-deck without warning.

we are amused.

button. this ends when button is hit.


because we all know how easy it is to get that many people to keep a secret!

they didn't stand for the anthem at football games, and that's just as bad.

okay, so just assuming that nobody has the moral high ground, couldn't you seize said high ground simply by disavowing your racist pieces of shit? hey, I hate my side's fear of taking many an easily grabbed moral high ground that's just sitting there for the fucking taking just by being less sanctimonious about shit

is it though? I don't think he swears in that, or even mentions masturbation by name.

whatever it is, you can bet it won't be as good.

and there's no defending what Method Man did to that guy. sewing his asshole shut was bad enough, but then he just kept feeding him, and feeding him…

thanks Amon Bundy, your opinions about the Bureau of Land Management have been noted.

I was going to try to make a subtler version of that joke, but so much for that now.

"Kendall Jenner, are you trying to seduce me?"

well look, they have the Ku Klux Klan, sure. but what about the Wu Tang Clan? aren't they just as bad?

"I mean, look, alls I'm sayin' is airfare to Africa is very affordable right now."
-Donald Trump

'course it's shiv or be shived.

just as long as it doesn't replace the cola wars line. that would be disrespectful to our brave veterans who fought in the cola wars.