
Don’t pity him. He may be dumb in certain senses, but he has full agency, and willingly played up hatred and white superiority in order to win the Presidency, and hired people who openly want to dismantle the government and discriminate and advance white supremacy. He has billions of dollars and has never done

Calm the fuck down.

I didn’t mention Congress, and it’s flat-out ridiculous if now, even in hindsight, you can’t acknowledge that the huge swath of liberals who spent the entire campaign aggressively shit-talking Hillary and being butt-hurt that their guy didn’t get the nomination OBVIOUSLY affected the public perception of her.

This has literally nothing to do with you shitting on OP for not liking Bernie. There are reasons to be very over Bernie. That’s my point.

I think there are a LOT of people who are sick to death of Bernie and his rude-ass supporters who cost Clinton the election with their petulant bullshit, and I agree with OP that, even though I like how liberal Bernie is, I would be less than thrilled to see him become the candidate next election.


Me too!! I hope they’re reading them.

Yes, the more constituents who express they agree, the more likely they are to maintain that position, and to prioritize the related issues in the future

Fair point!

Do we know Adam Scott is for real bad though? I mean, he’s bad, but wouldn’t he also have to be in on it? He’d know that was an actual “bad” place, not ACTUALLY the “good” place, because we have to assume he knows what the real good place is, and knows Michael.

Hey guys! I have a question about the twist. Do we think that “the middle place” was fabricated, and Millie or whatever the 80s cokehead lawyer lady’s name was, was a hell plant, or is that part real? I kind of get the sense that most of what Janet says is generally accurate, because she’s a computer? But I don’t

Darcy Carden! She’s also so great in Broad City (as the bitchy trainer at Abby’s gym) and in a small part in the Molly Shanon movie on netflix, Other People

Hm, yeah, the thing is, white people ARE the worst. This is not to say “all white people are bad,” this is to say “white people are the problem.” Just like how men are the worst, but I know some wonderful men. Don’t # not all white people at Kara, it is not helpful.


I sobbed watching the trailer and have repeatedly sobbed thinking about it. My boyfriend keeps messing with me by picking up my dog and saying “what’s your purpose buddy?”

Why would anyone WANT to microwave tuna? Tuna is already as good as Tuna’s getting when it’s cold! Just mix tuna and mayo and some lemon and eat that. Sheesh.

Hello I bought these and can’t find them in my phone help please I want to tell people we were all rooting for them

She accused him of hating her because she was white with NO apparent basis for it, then called him rude. She’s a nut.

Yeah from reading the entire exchange she seems like an absolute nightmare and he seems like he was being polite but pretty clear about not being interested. She brings up her being white, twice, and other men looking gay, twice. BACK AWAY SLOWLY.