
I don’t even speak to my republican coworkers after one fucker told me “I guess you’ll be moving back to somalia now” on November 9th. I work at a nonprofit in Silicon Valley and have never lived in HOA.

Te in the weend?

i wish you worked in my office! i would’ve yelled back atcha da trees swayyyyy in da wiiiiind

I just yelled “chickapaaaaaaay” across the cubicle farm. Friday fun times.


It’s going to be awful. Awful.

why the hell do they have to ruin everything for us?

In the world of in-law sins, complaining about the spouse ranks pretty low. Let the old woman vent.

Your step-MIL is not the person who’s coming across as toxic here.

Jeez. I feel bad for your husband’s stepmother. My advice is to try and be a little kinder.

He’s only 6'4, but a very solid, muscular 6'4, like a pro athlete. His physicality fit the role well.

I wish they had developed bonnie’s character a little more on the show. I liked her.

Yeah they tried to hint at it when her daughter freaked out when everyone was yelling.

One thing in this last episode, Perry moving through the party, he is fucking huge-he looks like a giant. And Reese looked so so tiny. And he was just pounding at them. Didn’t he have his hands around Renata’s neck?! Motherfucker.

I burst into tears when they fought to protect Celeste. Uncontrollable sobs. These women. Anyone who has been through this can understand the real desire to have that protection and safety. The story of Celeste was so well done. I wish the ending wasn’t a fantasy for so many women. Bravo Nicole and Reese!!!

Reese broke my fucking heart when she was caught between Celeste and Jane and realized what was going on.

See, I was first introduced to him on True Blood, so he will always be vampire Eric first and foremost!

I don’t wash my legs or my feet and I pee in the shower. IDGAF!