
Good for her!

I think Duane Johnson’s introduction of Lin-Manuel Miranda shows that he should host.

The guy has never done a day’s work in his life, either. He just surrounds himself with yes men who are willing to take the blame when trump fucks something up. He’s a boss, not a leader.

Yup! The writers are what attracted me to Jezebel years ago, but the comments are what keep me here now.

Being friends/working with someone for years does not ensure they will not assault you or do something creepy/disgusting/inappropriate to you in the future. Sometimes dirtbags lay in wait.

The fact that Casey was lauded while Nate Parker (a Black man) was shoved aside this year smacks of white privilege. Same goes for Woody Allen, Mel Gibson and Roman Polanski vs Bill Cosby. I hate all of them but the double standard is fucking ridiculous

i would say he was upset. denzel put his heart and soul into fences and gave an incredible performance and this is how the academy treats him? makes him listen to a creep - who’s clinging to his equally shitty brother’s coattails - go on about how inspirational he is?

May make him an asshole but I’m not ready to equate men who cheat with men who sexually harass/assault women.

Thank you for your invaluable input. Good to know there are people who still manage to feel superior to the first black lead on the Bachelor franchise because she isn’t the right type of attorney.

But...why not discuss it and educate him on why that is not a cool or helpful thing to say?

I’m not really sure I get this article. Rich people are using the Almighty Dollar to show their disapproval of everything Trump.

Sorry, but snark misplaced. This is good. Because shit like this annoys the fuck out of Trump, who wants nothing more than acceptance from the NYC society that has rejected him repeatedly over the years. He does not care about the people who actually elected him - they probably disgust him, actually. These are the

If rich NY parents and their kids want to boycott Trump, I won’t get snarky with them. This is one area we can all stand together.

Santa Clarita Diet is not good. I have no idea why it’s been getting positive reviews. The premise is cool, but it’s the same one-note joke and situations over and over again with some over-the-top bloodshed injected for edginess, I guess. And I say this as someone who really likes Drew Barrymore. Not good.

Watching Love is like the TV-watching equivalent of eating Swedish Fish. It’s not very good candy; in fact, it’s pretty terrible candy, but there it is on the table in front of you, so into your mouth it goes.

All this tells us is that old people still buy records.

I mean, she’s the best, right? I’m a 40 year-old straight, white dude. I’ve lived through every other dominant male or female recording superstar for the last 35 years. She just destroys everything in her path. I am in awe of what she is able to do to impact music.

Only hoping he lives to be old old old. Mostly so that the kids have their dad in their lives as long as possible, and also so that he can enjoy them and witness them living their potentially very awesome lives.

George is exactly the same age my father was when I was born. He functioned just fine, and wasn’t even a super-rich megastar.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Amal is really pregnant with Jennifer Aniston’s twins.