
How about you try actually listening to her own words instead of biased charactarizations?

Do you live in a purple state? Cuz otherwise if Stein is the candidate who best reflects your beliefs, you should vote for her. It means alot for Green to get to 5%. They accept no corporate funding, so their whole campaign relies on volunteer work. People complain that they don’t win offices, but then wont vote to

An actual job? lol. I guess being a double Harvard trained physician for 25 years isn’t enough. Have you so much as read her wiki page before spouting off at the mouth? Did you complain about Obama being a “political organizer” too? Or did being a Senator for a few years before declaring his presidency completely

NONE of what you just wrote has to do with the ACTUAL safety and efficacy of vaccines.

I have. She’s inspiring and full of integrity. Have you ever heard her speak?

She clearly isn’t. But if you want to believe Samatha Bee over the words out of Stein’s own mouth, so be it.

It’s pretty clear that you don’t know a ton about Stein, which isn’t entirely your fault given media coverage. You’ve probably never even heard her speak outside of a sound bite. I encourage you to listen to this episode — not to change your mind, just to be informed.

Yup. You guys and the “Clinton is 100% vetted so she’ll crush Trump ignore all the polls saying otherwise” crew really nailed this one.

You seem not to understand what a single issue voter is.

You were making all the sense until your last sentence.

Oooh. The “Jewish woman is an anti semite because she respects the lives and welfare of Palestenians” argument is my fave.

This would make alot of sense if even a word of it were true.

“I was just talking to one of the young people from Ferguson, Teff Poe, and he was one of the front line people with the Ferguson rebellion. And he said Rosa: what people don’t understand, and why we don’t care about any of these politics no matter who’s coming to us, is we already live in Donald Trump’s America,

“I was just talking to one of the young people from Ferguson, Teff Poe, and he was one of the front line people with the Ferguson rebellion. And he said Rosa: what people don’t understand, and why we don’t care about any of these politics no matter who’s coming to us, is we already live in Donald Trump’s America,

It is crazy isn’t it!? How HRC supporters feelings are more important than actually disrupting the economic system that keeps black and brown families trapped in a racial caste system! How irritating that all these comfortable middle class white Hillary voters are completely blind to the extent their policies are part

Maybe that’s because you don’t actually have relationships with poor people of color. The poor people of color I know are deeply disatisfied with HRC and hungry for outsider candidates. They loved Bernie, and many — at least those who know about Stein — are excited for her as well.

Jesus Christ. I’m so over white people using race to make themselves seem less privileged than other white people.

It doesn’t, but it’s clear how you would think that if you get your news from . . . well, anywhere these days. Politically Reactive just did a good 3rd party episode with Jill Stein. Hari Kondabalu, a staunch HRC supporter actually changed his mind by the end of the episode.

Exactly. She is registered in California. So everyone needs to relax and stop being upset at people for acting ethnically — just because they can’t or wont.