
Youre right about one thing: you voting for Hillary Clinton will do nothing to change this country’s warmongering. I’m glad you can admit that to yourself, though it’s sad that you’re so complacent about it.

Cool. Thanks.

I love when people say “you’re missing my point” when so clearly missing mine.

Uh. . . since when is he supporting Hillary. Last I checked he called her out on the email issue and her superpredator comments.

I just listened to a cool podcast where they review Solange’s new album and talk about that song.

Last I checked Stein didn’t want to start a war with Russia by implementing a no-fly zone or brag (in her book ) about overturning a democratically elected government in Honduras and then scoff at the idea of providing amnesty for the children who fled that debacle. NOr did she ever work to surpress the minimum wage

It’s not quite as you charactarized it, and it was 2005, not a few years ago. But sure.

Looks like this broken clock died at 2:25, because you’re right on!


It is odd isn’t it? Obviously not every reviewer has done this, but a large number have said that a chief problem with the movie is that it fabricates rapes to justify the rebellion. That’s just not what happens. The rapes were fairly attenuated from the actual event of rebellion, and the baptism of the

Exactly. That’s’ my point. Journalists are out here misleading the public in a way that seems very deliberate and driven by bad feelings about Parker, which is fine. But just be honest about it and don’t couch your disgust with the person in a bad review. The movie wasn’t actually a problem. The person is.

There’s nothing wrong with any of those reasons expect reason # 4 to the extent that those reviewers are lying, and youre basing your decision on a lie.

Yeah. Not sure how this contradicts what I said. At least one historical account notes that many people, including his wife, were beaten if not killed following the rebellion. How does the ambiguity around his wife change my criticism that I would have liked to see concequences for his wife’s character, which would

You haven’t read much then.

Yes, what’s your point? At least one historical account I read cited her existance and that she was beaten while he was in hiding. That you could possibly take offense that a slave narrative from 200 years ago isn’t repleat with detail and requires details about a wife to be filled in shows exactly how far people are

The movie showed quite a few women were hanged for the rebellion, though I was dissapointed that his wife was not shown as beaten, as she was IRL.

The rape of slave women is not ahistorical.

She asked not to have any lines., But I guess that truth is inconvenient to the prevailing narrative, so.

Real talk: you should see it. The rapes are not sensationalist and, in fact, are not even the reason for the rebellion. Critic after critic has straight up lied about that fact. A completey different event precipitated the rebellion — the rapes were part of a portrait of generalized terror, and were used in much the