
I wonder if people understand that logical fallacy of “If thing A is more likely to kill me than thing B, I shouldn’t be at all concerned with thing B, even though it can cause me (potentially avoidable) harm as well.”

No one said you were a republican. Obviously you’re not. Your comments here are ubiquitous. Your politics are clear. I’m informing you that you’re just taking a page out of their playbook. Supporting Hillary does that to people. It’s been sad to watch.

Like a typical republican: attack the source. There is a whole interent full of articles saying the same thing buddy. And at the end of hte day I’m always going to be right, you know why? Because you can’t prove an negative. It is beyond ignorant to proclaim you know that something isn’t harmful. I wouldn’t say a

Thanks for the suggestion. But it’s a pretty idiotic one that is patronizing and dispresectful.

An on topic response to a specific factual error is not “spam.” If different people are saying the same thing to which someone has a targeted response, that’s not spam. If someone is sending YOU the same thing over and over again, feel free to report it.

Um, well, I might not be “doing things for Latinx” in my life (except for my not insignificant probono immigration work as a lawyer, but never mind), but I certainly haven’t been deporting them in record numbers like Obama, whose policies Hillary plans to continue.

Magic scientist from the future tells us all that he understands the human body so well that there could never been any concequences to the unprecendented environmental factors it is exposed to in the modern era.

Lol. I love when you guys report people for responding with same facts to the same tired falsehoolds HRC stans repeat ad nauseum.

What the hell are you talking about? We’re just straight lying now huh? Typical of Hill. None of you are helping your cause. All that’s happened is I’ve gone from “voting for Bernie” to “voting for Jill” to “never registering as a democrat again.”

Lol. Like every democratc candidate ever?

You insist on pretending like Stein (and myself) are saying ‘radiation causes problems!’ when in reality we’re saying “it’s totally possible that these things cause problems and to the extent people want to research what the effect of these things are on the population that’s constructive.”

Jill is right. It’s imporant to question. And it’s pretty sad that you apparently refuse to do so when it’s poltically disaventageous. Thankfully there are alot of other people out there working to keep us safe, including Ralph Nader, one of the greatest consumer advocates of our time, and not accidentally, a member

You should trust her own words and record. But you instead trust who panders the most. I wont take any pleasure in observing the collective realization that Hillary will continue to be bad for Latinx Americans just like every mainstream president has ignored the shit out of every POC.

I support Clinton’s immigration policies - which are at least as liberal and considerably more plausible as the Green Party’s

Real talk: isn’t it obvious that any number of things in our environment are probably causing us harm? If someone in 1950 had said “plastic bottles are probably dangerous” they would’ve been laughed out of a room. But petroleum manufacturers have known for years this was the case,a nd only recently are we attuned to

This is so obvious, but idiots only engage in black and white thinking, which Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both excel at.

I know right! So akward! Like when Clinton deleted the thing about how all women deserve to be believed when women started to come forward again with rape allegations about her husband. Yikes!

Hillary Clinton has liberals pretending like there aren’t problems with GMOS. This is exactly why I’ll never vote for her. You are all more interested in winning than having values.

Pandering to anti-vaxxers is the worst . . . unless my candidate does it.

Oh, so you finally decided to acknowledge that this event happened last night, and this is your coverage?