
Uh. . . Fuck Joe Biden? Why are you writing this like I would defend him? Yeah, he sucks too. They’re all neoliberals. You are barking up the wrong tree. Sorry you wasted so much time writing this.

Um, because he didn’t know if he wanted to be a lawyer? You’ve never heard of anyone taking time before professional school? I took one year. Most people took two. My boyfriend (who is Asian so I’m sure you wont doubt his academic cred) took five. Stop embarassing youreslf with how little you know about higher

So, true equality is not your goal. Your goal is just to have fewer poor blacks, but not no poor blacks. Way to aim low.

Her outcomes are the best for everyone.

Great. So you would prefer a person who lobbied for a racist policy using racist language over someone who lobbied actively against the same policy for all the right reasons (e.g. racism) but ultimately was compelled to vote for it because it contained legislation for stopping violence against women and it was a fait

the only non-sexist reasons not to vote for Clinton and that very progressive platform would be if you were not a progressive and didn’t support those ideals.

So, for one, it is much harder to get into colleges as an international student. Watch out, facts below!:

You write that first paragraph like some how I would disagree with it. I don’t, but it has nothing to do with the fact that you seem to have internalized the belief that blacks will always be at the bottom tier of American society.

Respectfully, her outcomes are the best for you. There is no shame in that. Most people vote for themselves and the people they know/care about. But what is best for a white woman with lodgings and food aren’t what’s best for a transwoman of color living on the street, or the 20 percent of american children that live

If you want as substantive reason, it’s here.

How did my second comment, which says “of course sexism is real. I would never deny that,”* and all my subsequent comments which have criticzed the obvious, extreme, and ugly sexism that Hillary has faced, “ignoring” sexism? Please. Point out to me where I have ignored or diminished sexism?**

I wish you would acknowledge that we complete agreed about the last post. I would love some indication that you’re a real human with a heart and the potential for softness and empathy and low blood pressure ;)

She’s a classic #whitefeminist. She can only see things thorugh a lens of how they affect white women. She cant spell intersectionality, and to the extent there are competing needs between identity groups, for her, white womanism always trumps everything.


The real hero is the guy on the right who points out that the issue isn’t Obama’s scores, but the fact that asking the only black president about his scores when none of the other nepotism soaked presidents in the history of America have ever been asked is racist.

I’d love to see Trump’s grades and test scores for his admission to Wharton. The SAT has a reading comprehension component. I don’t have high hopes for his scores.

You literally see everything through one lens: sexism. It’s interesting. As a black woman I don’t have that privilege.

Those plans sound great. I hope you work toward building them.