
Wow. Shows how much you know.

I’m still waiting for you to say something that contradicts my statistics.

I can tell how much you care about marginalized communities from your vote to enforce the status quo whose “incrimental change” tactics will gurantee the multigenerational povertymy actual family experiences will continue for more generations.

Yes. What is your point?

Yeah. I don’t have time to root around further. Go ahead and find another post if you want. I know what the stats are. I’ve read them many times.

Sometimes when the mirror is held up to you you don’t like what you see. Baby steps friend.

And here it is folks! The polite version of “there will always be an american underclass filled primarily with people of color.”

What!? Lol? #whitefragility.

If you (“you” in the general sense) care more about preserving your own sense of ideological purity by refusing to vote for the objectively lesser evil than you care about the people who stand to actually suffer in real and profound ways under a Trump presidency, you’re choosing smug self-regard over compassion, and

Yup. You wanna tell me I’m a self hating negro next?

It’s not about that quote perse. It’s the fact that every one of you lobbying for HRC either embrace or are ignorant of the fact that your chosen party’s politics rely on that belief — that there will always be poor people of color.

Bernie captured every demographic group under 35. Including POCs. Clinton captured wealthy white women, who vote in high numbers.

Clinton’s not Satan. She’s just a typical (if more connected and savy and less ethical) neoliberal. Just like Obama. And Clinton I.

You know who else was “disrespectful”? Martin Luther King. Stop trying to police the methodology of protest movements and advocate for social change.

This is perfect. Lets talk about this.

An excellent lesson for Hillary. I hope she learns it some day.

You do know that HRC’s base is wealthy white women (Mrs Trumps) wheras Bernie caputred the poor, right?

Internalized sexism is real. But it is incredibly patronizing for you to accuse everyone who doesn’t agree with you of that.

Biden has shown a willingness (or a foolishness) to say things that are not politically expedient but which are right. I don’t prefer in to Bernie, and I have substantial questions about him (I don’t know enough), but that alone would make me more enthusaistic about him than Hillary.