
What’s genuinely sad is that you’re trying to shame a stranger on the internet — a stranger who receives overwhelming support for her comments — out of commenting because you happen to disagree. But what else can I expect from a HRC supporter? It’s all shaming based on identity politics and a complete inability to

I’m black. Unlike you, I don’t wait around for some vague fake black “consensus” to make political decisions so that, god forbid, no one calls me a racist.

Candidate with horrific decades long record gets coverage of same horrific decades long record and claims bais.

LOLZ and you think that HRC, supporter of “ending welfare as we know it,” is a protector of social safety nets. That’s one area where it’s a real toss up who would be better: Clinton or “we can’t have people dying in the streets” Trump.

some of the few modern references were Chris Brown, O.J. Simpson, and Donald Trump.

I feel like the hair is the real story here. More upclose crown pics!

The most interesting part of this story is going to be the fall out from losing her fortune. This news came out last week. Not enough time for Thanos to spiral into shame in a satisfactory way. My schadenfraude is not yet satisfied. They need to give it a beat. Give her a chance to move into a trailer and take up with

That’s not what “silencing” means.

See Wenchworth above:

Yes. Funny how I’m allowed, particurally as a person of color, to make up my own decision. I don’t feel white-guilted in to agreeing with the majority of blacks. Such freedom.

Wait. What? Bernie literally gave a lengthy speech on the senate floor detailing exactly why the crime bill was a bad idea — pretty much all the things that came true. But you’re claiming he ignored it? And refused to listen to who now? Please stop. Just, stop.

It’s so depressing that you’re still making this argument. Enjoy your candidate. I hope she has a better response than that when Trump confronts her over her long history of supporting policies that hurt the poor and brown here and abroad.

And I’m telling you that in my feed its mostly black women. And I’m one of them.

I don’t think so. I was just referencing the lawyer part.

My mom never voted for a Clinton in the 90s. Turns out, she’s on the right side of history. She didn’t vote for welfare “reform” and the resulting devistation. Nor can it be said that she is responsible for the crime bill and the lives that destroyed.

No, “we” weren’t. We were discussingthe choice not to vote for HRC, which you and your like like to charactarize as a vote for Trump because it suits your fear mongering agenda.

So do you agree that we should have a giant pyre on which we BBQ the remaining panda bears?

Well, maybe you have more black female friends then, because on my feed, most black women are in this boat. Including myself.

Saving my Yas Queens for a candidate that doesn’t equivocate on abortion restrictions, support cluster bombing, and who doesn’t want to send child immigrants from countries her policies destroyed back home.