
Ummmm .... making up ALL of the details and lying multiple times to law enforcement is what he is being charged with. You can chose to believe him still, but you can’t lie and say he is being charged for some descriptive mistakes.

Paying these dudes to pretend to kick his ass is a bit more than just just getting some details wrong 🤣

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 The Root when whole hog for this story and now looks just as stupid as Smollett for believing him.  It’s a good day! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😜😜😜😜😜😜😜

I hope there is a hate crime charge as well. As a mother of a wonderful gay man, this can cause some to feel that it is ok to attack and harm those in the  gay lie and claim this was done by racist homophobic white people can put innocent peoples lives at risk. Just as whites who claim that someone of

Good, I hope he ends up in prison for years.

Pretty sure it's one count for every time he lied in his statements to police. 

Good. Fuck him for this publicity stunt. He and people like him are why others question real victims. 

Ooooo weeee! They are really throwing the book at Ole Yella! Wonder of who’ll show up at trial to support him?

Call-Out Culture. This was NOT call-out worthy. Possibly eight, anonymous women DM’ed with supporting messages does not make it worthy for telling the public. I view this situation as someone relatively new to celebrity making a poor decision.

Frog-like reptiles”???. Damn Michael, for someone who takes every opportunity to tell some long-ass story about how smart he is, you really come off dumb a lot of the time.

Hmmmm. “....your heteronormative and male privilege really shaped your thoughts here....” IMHO, you seem to be caught up in your feelings. It makes me feel mad creepy that you interpret a legitimate analogy as some kind of “thing” that for whatever reason/s make you feel mad creepy. The “nuances” were clearly stated.

 Speaking of African-American doctors ...

She never even met him and the word of the eight women was via DM! Does she know them either?! The fact that she spoke about this on multiple platforms, and alluded EXACTLY to who he is before finally calling him out by name is proof that this was beyond being "reckless"-- It was incendiary. She should be ashamed but

Ridding the world of toxic behavior is necessary, but we should be careful not to poison our own environment when doing so. Saying something is always a good idea ...

Wah wah, that’s what you get. It’s all been leading to this shit. What makes this any less credible than the thousands of other accusations based on nothing but someone’s word? All of a sudden people are calling for evidence when their friends get accused, but didn’t give a flying fuck about jumping on a billion

We’re all human. I love Amanda Seales, but at best, she jumped the gun.

From an investigative standpoint one should ask whether these eight women are somehow connected outside of their alleged connection to Myron.

Honestly surprised this made it to the The Root, but glad it did. Amanda has her moments, but this was a perfect example that women can be toxic too. At some point Amanda has to take some accountability on why every man she meets “aint shit” and stop blaming BM for all the ills in the world.

When Amanda Seales comes to the cookout, she brings brown liquor but asks if there are vegan options.

Sorry Michael, Ms. Seals isn’t “woke as fuck” if she pulled this. Myron Rolle said it best it always falls on the accused to prove that they didn’t do the act in question. There is an appropriate phrase that applies to this situation “A lie can sprint around the world before the truth puts on it’s shoes.” Ms. Seals